Chapter 13

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This Chapter is not updated . It somehow got deleted


Chapter 13

Previously on For the Love of Death

He merely laughed before saying, "She's mine now brother."

The perfidy I felt burned throughout my body as my bloodlust ignited. Nicolas smirked once again before disappearing, his malignant laughter echoing across the castle grounds. The bastard took my girl. Oh he is going to pay dearly. The rage I felt was tantamount to a super nova. Like a raging ball of fire I simmered in my intense heat of hatred for the man I once called brother. I reveled in its fervent glory, using it to fuel my desire to tear him limb from limb. He had the audacity to claim my soul mate as his own? Lord Hades would have to forgive me, because his son was about to be obliterated.

'Don't worry pumpkin; I'm coming to get you'


Hayden/Nicolas' point of view

After Atropes subdued Saphira, I ordered him to spy on Thanatos. Fool. He became a victim to the one thing that he feared above all else. Love. Then again I shouldn't be one to judge. Saphira is an exquisite creature with powers that are beyond what I could have ever imagined. She will be the perfect bride and queen when I finally claim the throne. Lying in my chambers, I could not help but feel like her thoughts and emotions towards me have changed. I knew the effect I have on her because I can smell the delicious pheromone that she emanates when we are in close contact. However, I do not see that same sparkle in her eye when she looks at me. It was only a matter of time before I claim what is rightfully mine and rid the world of Thanatos permanently.

Thanatos always claimed the love and affection of my father because his abilities were superior to my own. His affinities surpassed mine and it angered me to no end. As I grew older, I understood just how much he was taking from me. Sure father gave us the same things, but I couldn't help but notice that his gifts were filled with a lavishness that I seemed to miss. Father's praise was endless and often eluded me. For God's sake, I got nothing more than a pat on the back. I thought moving to the human realm would be good for me, but alas, Thanatos continued to claim what was mine. Saphira was one thing that I couldn't let him have under any circumstance. I looked at the time and realized that the effects of the potion I gave her should be wearing off by now.

I strutted into the room, exuding confidence and smirked upon seeing her beautiful face.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty, we have an awful lot to discuss," I said arrogantly.

"What do you want" she said quietly.

"So the passive damsel returns. Did you have fun playing Hero"

"Enough of your games Nicolas. Tell me what is it you want." She said bitterly.

"Why, isn't it obvious my dear? I want you"

"Never. I will never be yours willingly Nicolas. You are well aware who I belong too. Why don't you just give up and let me go." She said as she held her chin up high.

I narrowed my eyes are her before continuing, "I asked you nicely Saphira. Don't make me resort to drastic measures to get what I want. You will be my bride and rule the underworld by my side. Do you understand me?"

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