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(So I don't know how much long this will be going on of but it close to a end so if you what more says but let get on the story)

Then they hear a crash though the window and walk out to see .......

Gil impure bad and Aizawa yells "Gil my god"
Gil breath heavy saying "they here"
Joke yells "Gil my god you need to go to the hospital now"
Gil get up and says "no not when they here"
Everyone run in and they see Gil than AM says "what happed"
Gil take off haft for his helmet and says "they a change for plan pack up we are going to the west"
Aizawa says "we need to heal him how"
Momo make a first aid and Aizawa wrap in up and Deku says worried "did the hero unit do this"
Gil sigh and says "no don't worry just get ready"
Aizawa says "tell us what going on son"
Gil slam his fists on a table then yells "the LOV are here happy now"
Everyone get worried then Gil breathes and says "sorry it just my job to make sure your now here but the LOV are here now so the whole fucking plan is fucked"
AM says "you can't beat them yourself they to powerful"
Aizawa says "he right your going to die look at you"
Gil sigh and says "I know it more worse then just the LOV and the HU they making the most powerful nomu every the one at the USJ is nothing to what this one is going to be"
Everyone get scared and Aizawa says "ok how bad we talking"
Gil sigh and says "the people from the HU,AFO,overhaul,shigaraki, Stain and Muscular and the one they putting all they quicks in to Mineta"
Aizawa says "n-n-no"
Everyone scared and worked joke says "ok one thing at a time Gil you need to be healed more then we will talk about it"
Gil sigh and says "no I Fine you all need to back to Japan now"
Aizawa says "what about you"
Gil sigh and say "making sure you get out on time"
Deku says "we are not leaving"
Gil sigh and says "but you are if they was any LOV stuff going on you would be sent home"
Nezu on a phone that AM called on "this is ture sadly you all need to coming back by tomorrow afternoon"
Gil smiles and says "I will be fine I will come once it all done"
Aizawa says "you can't do it by your self"
Joke says worried "come with us please"
Gil look down and says "no can do I have a mission I need to do if that mean I die then I die"
Aizawa says "don't act like death is nothing you need to come with us"
Nezu says "no Aizawa"
Aizawa yells "what do you mean no"
Nezu says "I know this is going to be hard to hear but the most important thing is to back you all back"
Gil sigh and says "and I need to hold them off until your already"
Joke says "you will die"
Gil smiles and says "that the plan"
Deku says "then I am staying with you"
Nezu says "no they what you the most"
Gil says "he right they what you I am just going to be live meat"
AM says "that not a good plan"
Gil says "yes it is they what all for you they don't what me but I am a good way to hold them off"
Aizawa says "look at what they did that to you tonight"
Gil says "I am ready now"
Joke says "you can't with that nomu"
Gil says "they not going to use the nomu on me I think it a gift for Deku"
Deku says "then we stay and fight"
Nezu says "no you don't stay you all come back and set up a line"
Gil says "you all don't know the place like me"
Kri says "we can't leave you bro"
Denki says "yeah we can't leave you here to die"
Aizawa says "no they right but Gil you better be right behind us when you are done"
Joke says "if I look on the news to see you dead I am coming to hell to kill you again"
AM says "ok when do we leave"
Nezu says "the first you can all leave is tomorrow afternoon"
Gil nod and says "ok pack up while I get a new mask"
They all leave Aizawa says "son please come with us"
Gil says "it fine dad I got this"
Joke says "Gil please be safe"
Gil hug both for them and says "I will be"

(In the morning)

They all wake up and get on the bus Gil smiles then says "ok we are going to the sydney opera house we will be looking around then back to the hotel then you all go home"
AM sigh and says "we know the plan that why we are worried"
Gil smiles and says "don't worry I got this"
Deku says "someone need to stay"
Gil smiles and says "if anyone was it not you or any for the kid"
Aizawa says "if one for you aren't on that plane when it take off I will get Gil to throw you to us"
Joke says "he joking your joking right"
Gil smiles and says "anyway we are here"

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