Chapter 1: The Arrival

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Margot glanced at her surroundings, the new Island, where she would now live at. She observed a beautiful country filled with magic. The country had talking golden red oak trees, dancing street lamps, floating grape vines and grey child holding hands with a White father and a Black mother. Margot noticed that most people were wearing boots she looked down at her sandals and crinkled her toes. Purple, delicate sandals planted firmly on the deck of the Carnival cruise ship, which brought her to this new Island. She was a bit optimistic and skeptical of this new Island however she felt delighted to experience this place.

Margot just came from Main Kingdom, a country filled with a terrible government. She was banned because she helped out citizens on the government’s death list. She and her best friend Kerri, who stood to her right, decided that criminals should not be killed for the petty things that the government accused them of.

One man ate a cheeseburger and then kissed his girlfriend a day later. The girlfriend sued him and then it escalated to the jury sentencing him to be on the death list because “he is inconsiderate to the emotions of a girl who does not like cheeseburgers”. (But they also knew that she never informed her boyfriend that she did not like cheeseburgers.) Another guy had kissed his own palm so the government put him on the list claiming he was egotistical (although they knew that he was doing a dare and there were no laws against kissing one’s own palm). A lady was sentenced to death for smiling politely at her neighbor. The government classified the act as too friendly and a dangerous threat if she was to deceive people. (The government was aware that the lady was a mercenary). That case was the only justified case of them all; three were spies being caught during that time. Margot had saved these people, now here at Jez, Margot no longer needed to worry about the safety of the citizens and it was exhausting work.

As Margot swiftly looked around, she spotted a woman who seemed unusual even for this country. She was floating in the air and had red and black circle designs on her arms and legs. In her left hand were her feet. Margot felt angry at herself for staring at the middle-aged woman. The woman was above a mud bath in between a palm tree and an evergreen tree. Three little leprechaun looking boys were splashing about in the mud bath oblivious to the woman who most likely was their guardian of some sort. Margot patted Kerri on the shoulder to get her attention.

“Yes,” Kerri said looking up.

“Look,” Margot replied nodding her head to show Kerri the woman.

After giving a quick glance at the scene Margot found so intriguing “If you think that is crazy, then look at that,” Kerri said blatantly pointing at something so outrageous that it made Margot gasps.

A normal looking human being was in this chaotic Island. The person was clearly male with his broad shoulders, boyish short haircut, set jaw, stubble on the jaw and sharp facial features. This young man greatly contrasted the female beside him. The young woman was probably in her early twenties and she fitted in perfectly with the beings of Jez Island.The young woman had a purple-freckled face, bright orange hair, gold fingers and white eyes. But what was more shocking was the fact that her arms faded in and out. At first they looked solid, then transparent and finally they completely disappeared.

“Here we go!” Margot said tugging on Kerri’s arm. She felt lucky to have a companion who was with her in an Island so strange.

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