Chapter 3: Bipolar

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“Ah so you are the newbie,” another young man, who also looks normal just like Carter interrupted Carter’s dilemma.

Kevin had a faded mustache and stubble for a beard. He was the same build as Carter but skinnier and less muscular. His dark brown hair almost covered his eyes but not quite. He had one earring on his right ear. He was tanned although he was still light skinned. And his killer grin made girls swoon.

“Hey Kevin! It is a good thing that you are here. I need to quickly get to Adam, George, Maddie and Kira right now,” the lady said and dashes off to the right heading towards the three-story brown brick apartment complexes.

“Aw. We didn’t even get to find out her name,” Margot whined making Carter roll his eyes.

“Her name is Nirvana. But more importantly, what is your name,” Kevin asked kindly.

Kerri interrupted; “We cannot say our names in this man’s presence,” nodding at Carter. “Our apologies,” Kerri grinned smugly at Carter.

“Well then we will not be able to be of service to you. It is truly a shame,” Kevin sighed and started walking straight towards the metro station with Carter right beside him.

Kerri grinned and took Margot’s arm and started to walk off into the shopping district to the left.

Almost immediately people started to swarm them.

“Buy our jewelry! It is the finest of all!”

“Come see our dance show this-”

“Don’t you dare leave here empty handed!”

“Try this fresh fish!”

“I’ll give you a 20% discount!”

And then suddenly everyone dispersed.

“Ugh. I can tell that taking care of you two will be a drag,” Carter commented standing with his back to Margot and Kerri.

Margot grinned thankful to have someone to stop the crowd of vendors. Kerri rolled her eyes and chuckled.

“Looks like some people can’t leave us alone,” Kerri said.

“Admit it, you need us here,” Kevin replied smugly, “How else will you be able to survive in this new Island?”

It only took for Kevin and Kerri to glance at each other and make eye contact for a split second for them to burst out laughing.

“Aw aren’t you two the cutest. Now let’s go and find some decent shelter for the two newcomers,” Carter added his two cents.

“Yeah, it is getting dark,” Margot inputted.

“Um Margot, it is 12:00 in the afternoon and the sun isn’t even blocked by that 10 story building,” Kerri said shaking her head pointing at the Macy’s two blocks straight ahead of them.

Margot stuck out her tongue.  

Kevin laughed and started walking in the direction of the apartment buildings, past the metro station, the opposite direction from which they came.

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