Chapter 7: Perfecto

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The next day Carter was out walking with Margot just to “catch up”. The two haven’t directly talked for 3 days. When Margot spotted Carter entering the Jazz bar next to the last night Macy’s, she stopped him to have a meeting today. After a long day of trying to cheer up about leaving Jez, Margot decided to be optimistic.

“So, how have you been?” she questioned him.

“I have been doing better,” he replied absentmindedly. 

“We can go visit Grass Station,” she said.

Carter turned his head to face her a bit surprised.

The two had been travelling to different countries in order for them to discover where Margot would stay. Unknown to her, Carter actually had to make an extremely tough decision. He wanted her to stay in Jez because he had gotten fond of her. It was the simple interactions between the two that helped grow his love and care for her. Such as the time they went to Grass Station, the largest of the seven countries of this world.

“Did you know that my parents live here?” Margot asked Carter.

“But aren’t you from Main Kingdom?” he asked.

“Yeah but my family lives in Grass Station. I was adopted once the King (the King is the head of kings in this world) of Main Kingdom came to visit.  I never have seen my family. I had always wished to visit them. But now I have you, Kerri and Kevin,” Margot said with a smile not reaching her eyes.

“Well now that we know, we most definitely have to be kind to everyone here. You never know who you might be related to,” he replied not knowing the best way to answer.

Margot grinned and started to meet and greet people along their tour.

“Thank you Carter. Sharing with you made me realize that I can be cheerful,” Margot grinned back at Carter making him embarrassed. Carter doesn’t necessarily classify himself as a guy who could talk about such matters and not mess up the mood. So he surprised himself when he continued the conversation.

“Well I have always taken you for the type of person who won’t get depressed easily. You have so much going for you,” Carter replied shrugging.

This time Margot’s grin reached her eyes.

But now Carter was faced with the challenged of risking his freedom if he keeps her at Jez Island. “Not that she will care,” he thought bitterly thinking about how she just stated that she wanted to go to Grass Station again.

“Why don’t you go yourself? I have work to do here,” Carter said walking off.

Frowning, Margot allowed him to go, yet wondered why he was in such a bad mood. She only had but less than a hundred hours left at Jez yet it didn’t seem that he cared at all.

Margot walked the opposite way to and went to the restaurant across the street from the park and sat outside waiting for the waiter. Before a waiter could come assist her, Margot noticed Michael running towards the spot Carter had left her.

Margot rushed over to greet Michael.

“What’s the hurry,” Margot asked.

“Why don’t you want to stay at Jez,” Michael accused.

“Wow, news sure does travel fast,” Margot chuckled.

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