Chapter 2: Rude Much?

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Once Margot and Kerri made it to the exit of the Carnival ship, a uniformed man said in a booming voice “All passengers may you please detach yourself from the ship.”

Margot looked at the man in the uniform strangely. Margot and Kerri were the only passengers on the ship yet the man’s voice carried well into the busy port. Many heads turned towards Margot and Kerri as a result. Margot groaned and looked at Kerri with embarrassment because they were now in the eyes of many of the citizens of Jez. Kerri gave Margot a smile of reassurance.


The two girls disembarked and observed the two people Kerri had pointed out earlier. Margot felt weary of the young man because he clearly was not thrilled about witnessing newcomers on his Island. The young man narrowed his eyebrows even more as Margot and Kerri landed on the dock. He and the lady next to him started to walk toward them from their earlier station between a red brick waterwell and a waterfall. Margot was not ready to meet the young man, yet Kerri felt indifferent towards him and his partner for that matter.


“Names,” the young man asked in a commanding voice.


Margot took a stutter step backwards.


“I don’t think you have the authority to ask us in that tone,” Kerri replied unshaken.


Kerri’s spunky attitude woke Margot from her trance and the old smirk returned with full confidence. Margot side stepped the young man and lady and started walking with Kerri right beside her.


“Wait. We didn’t mean to offend you. Carter is just having a rough day. Please forgive him. If it makes you comfortable, we can leave him and tour this Island all by ourselves,” the lady informed them with sincerity.


Margot looked at Kerri to witness her reaction. Kerri thought for a bit and slightly nodded her head at Margot. Margot grinned at the lady. Margot then examined her surroundings for the third time. The citizens were slowly filing out of the port tucking in cameras, phones and video cameras. To Margot’s right, a group of young students in uniforms held up “Welcome” signs. Margot did not know that these were the children from XXX private middle school.  The students looked twelve. They dashed off as soon as they made eye contact with Margot and Kerri. The teacher with a wide brim hat and snow goggles that covered her eyes pointed at them and they immediately turned around and went directly to their place in line grinning sheepishly.


“I’m guessing our arrival was expected,” Margot questioned grinning.


“You’ve guessed right. And now we need you to hurry up and get situated for your time here,” Carter stated.


Margot almost smiled. Carter appeared to have a hard exterior but a hidden kind heart. Margot supposed that he wanted Margot and Kerri to be comfortable.


“We can get along with you both,” Kerri informed them nonchalantly.


“Well, show me your city,” Margot chimed in chirpily.


Carter and the lady looked at each other triumphantly. As the two guided Margot and Kerri, Margot noticed that the streets become narrower along the way.


“Well to be honest, I am just here to greet you,” the lady told Margot and Kerri walking in front of them facing them like how tour guides do, “My replacement, Kevin, should be here any second. And after that I have to go so that I may be able to feed my younger siblings. I am sorry to leave so soon after meeting you but I am sure I will see you around shortly.”


“Well I hope to see you later,” Margot sadly replied.


Kerri nodded in agreement. But then Kerri thought deeply about the matter. If the kind lady left then there could be serious problems for Margot and Kerri.


What if Kevin had the power to kick them into another dimension? After all this was a Magic Island. And let’s say just because Carter could not magic powers, he wasn’t planning to kidnap them.


“Describe this so called Kevin,” Kerri requested a bit worried.


“Oh do not worry. Kevin is nothing like Carter,” the lady predicted giving Carter a warning look.


Margot, Kerri and the lady turned to give Carter a quizzical look. Carter continued to walk, but this time Carter was further ahead of the group. The people acknowledged that someone was furious so they made sure that they moved out of Carter’s way making Margot chuckle.


“I guess someone has anger management issues,” Margot chuckled.


“That someone clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” said Kerri full of laughs.


“He is just shy. Don’t bother him too much,” the lady said trying to cover a smile with her hands.


Carter turned around, cheeks red, with a furious expression.


“I. Can. Hear. You,” Carter said menacing.


Margot, Kerri, and the lady busted out laughing.


Carter’s anger was nothing so funny but after the tension build up, it was something that the little group found entertaining to lighten the mood. The people who had originally stepped out of Carter’s way were continuing the laugh and patted Carter on the back. Cater could not deal with it anymore and he stormed over to Margot and leaned in to inform her about the consequences that came with messing with him.


“I will make sure that you will understand this embarrassment,” Carter whispered threateningly in Margot’s right ear.


Margot grinned and smiled sweetly at Carter. The time spent at Jez Island would be entertaining solely because one guy felt that he had the right to threaten her.


“You know. We are going to stay for a while so you might as well get along with us,” Kerri told Carter with a nose pointed in the air.

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