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if i could write you into a world
i'd write you in one where its always a dawn
dawn like the beginning
of wanting -

to paint the unending ocean on the walls of your room
so you could sail away to wherever you want
and be at home still

to write poetry on the palm of your hands so you'd never truly be alone
there would always be words
even when you can't find your own
words to comfort you and tell you how much there is to you

to plant you a fairy garden
so there's always a place to run to when you're sea sick sometimes
you could talk to dryads or whisper into the ears of a friendly satyr

to build you pathways that go up into the sky
so you could walk on clouds and look at the world below from a dragon's back

to find you maps leading to castles and worlds that exist far beyond
so you could go on adventures that a world without magic can never dream of

i'd write you in purple and blue and cotton candy
in colours you'd see in kids tasting ice cream for the first time
i'd paint you in happiness
and on certain blue days
i'll tug your cheeks into a crescent moon

i'd write you in daisies and dandelions
in autumn and spring
in things inbetween and things beyond -
in everything probably.
Picture credit - ig - @jianghu.e

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