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Don't be a silent reader💖

Junkook's pov

So I turned 24 recently and I'm still single. But guess what changed?

BTS scored No.1 place on Billboard Hot 100 chart. This is the best birthday gift I can ever get, I have always looked forward to my 24rth Birthday and we made it finally. What good deeds we have done in our past lives to get amazing fucking fandom like Army. No words can explain how grateful I'm to Our Army.

Hyungs celebrates my birthday with Army on Vlive and we were overjoyed with our achievement. We all cried after hearing this news, this is like a dream came true. When we debuted, we have never imagined that we can get this position but here we are and this is all because of the Army.

So today I am currently sitting on my couch, in my apartment, scrolling through Youtube and grinning like an idiot because why not? We get this title because of Dynamite, our first English solo song. I enjoyed shooting the song. Army liked it very much as we can see from the views they collected for this song.

So with an idiotic grin, I again played the MV on my phone and just admiring the hard work we put on for this song. Taehyung looked splendid as usual and caught Army's attention. There is a part where Jiminie Hyung jumped on my back and I immediately caught him. That scene was unscripted and randomly added to MV by our directors. Look how good we looked together.

But I laughed at his face when he looked at me like a pervert before jumping on my back. How can he move his eyes like that?
I swear he is a pervert.

Recently some Armys says that I and Jiminie Hyung live together. Why would we live together? We are not in live-in relation or something! What made them think like that?

But we almost live together as close friends. We both have separate apartments but we sleepover at each other almost daily. Yes, so you can say we sorta live together.

It's 8:00 pm now and I'm chilling at my cosy apartment, we practiced so much today. All other hyungs leave the studio with me but Jiminie hyung stayed back. How much perfection he wanna achieve?

I stood up from the couch and went to my bedroom. I fixed the crinkling bedsheets because I'm a neat and clean person. Just ignore the fact that I want our bed to look perfect.
Why am I doing this? I'm supposed to be mad at him.

I took out his nightwear clothes from the closet and placed on the bed neatly, of course, he needs a shower after sweat dripping practice.

I decided to take a relaxing shower after all this, also I played 'there for you' on speaker in a dim voice.
Warm water soothes my muscles as it continues to wash foam from my body. I wonder why he is taking so long?

I wrapped a towel around my naked waist and stepped outside the bathroom. I was going to cook for us but I heard my Samsung phone chimed

Jiminie Hyungie🐣
8:45 pm
I won't be able to come tonight jungguk-ah. Don't wait for me, I'm going to my apartment. Goodnight

"Huh!" My eyebrows knitted.

If he doesn't want to sleepover anymore then fine. Fine.
I lifted his clothes from the bed and threw them in the closet. I turned off the song and disconnect the bluetooth. I took another towel and dry my wet hair while searching for my clothes.

I wore a black tank top (kali baniyan) and shorts reaching my thighs. Suddenly I feel upset. I was fine a few minutes ago.

Jiminie hyung sure got tired of me. I remember from my birthday when Taehyung was telling us that jiminie Hyung cried over the Billboard news, I was looking at him but he was looking at the floor. Why?
When he nudged me with his cute bare foot, I was happy but then he retreated his cute foot.

I'm 24 now but that doesn't mean I don't want him to baby me.
Sure, I'm The Jeon Jungkook but he is my Jiminie hyung and I always liked his special caring treatment towards me.
Why is he ignoring me since my birthday?
Even in today's practice, he didn't talk to me.
I get it we are close friends but why is he behaving this way?

I remember from my birthday when he told everyone that he will kiss me, as a birthday gift.
I don't mind it now, of course, he was talking about the kiss on the cheeks. Right?

And the cute emoji he used..huh. How can he even use that emoji after saying that he isn't coming?

I'll cook for myself. Eat and then sleep. Tomorrow is a long day anyway.

I don't understand why do Army ship us!
He clearly doesn't care about me🙄

By the way, I did some research on Army and find about the concept of ships. Many Armys think like this.

If an Army is hyung line biased then they don't much care about vkook and jikook.

If an Army is V hyung biased then they favor vkook more and don't like jikook.

If an Army is 'me' biased then they support both jikook and vkook.

And if an Army is jiminie hyung bias then they favor jook more with other ships.

Some of the Army don't want to share their bias with anyone so they ship other members with each other.

My thoughts about love are simple. I believe if you find someone who loves you as you love him/her then never let them go. In our cases, if anyone of us wants to be with their beloved then it shouldn't be a problem. I know, we will lose some fans or even get a lot of hate comments if this news ever comes out but this is temporary, people eventually forgets about these things and carry on with their daily normal life. A true Army will support us because they love our songs, our thoughts and will be happy for us.

I know that ships are important in the K-pop world but almost all ships are fake or just fanservice.

Not gonna deny because I have watched some ship videos of mine with Jiminie Hyung, I just wanted to know that why they ship us. I noticed many things that I do around him unconsciously and Army loves that. I have seen some fanarts too🤐

But as you can see from his attitude, this ship is not real!

We are just close friends.

I sighed and went to my kitchen. I was hungry but not any more so I thought of skipping dinner but the food is important. I cooked some fried rice for me. I was cutting some salad but I was thinking about Jiminie hyung. If he was here then he would have helped me with dinner. but why am I dreaming? Huh

"Ouch" wow! Here goes my finger. The knife slightly cut my right-hand index finger, I washed my hand because blood was oozing out from the affected area. I didn't put a bandage on it, I know it will be fine. He would have scolded me for being careless.

I organize the food on the plate and sit on the couch, turned on my tv, ready to enjoy my food, and then sleep the hell out my non-existent tiredness. 😴


So this gonna be a short story including 4-5 chapters.💜

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