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I lifted my spoon filled with rice, my mouth was wide open to greet the food with a aaaaa~ but

Ding Dong~~

suddenly my doorbell rang. I glanced at the clock on the wall, it shows 10:00 pm. I wasn't expecting anyone now but I think Taehyung come to visit me.

I put my plate on the table and marched towards my front door. I opened my door without asking because I knew I live in a high-security apartment and only my known people can visit me at this time. As I opened the door, he was standing there with a smile on his face.

A wave of happiness and excitement ran through my body but wait, I should be mad at him for ignoring me.

"What are you doing here? What happened to your 'don't wait for me, I'm going to my apartment ' huh!" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest with a straight face.

"You didn't reply to my text." Jiminie hyung spoke calmly with a smile and walk past me to enter our apartment. I mean my apartment.

I followed him to the living room where he was taking his jacket off. My food is waiting for me. I was just going to sit on the couch but suddenly a moan echoed in our living room.

Fuck, did I tell you guys that I was watching Fifty Shades Of Grey and the ice scene was running on the tv! Wow-what a great time to moan.

Jimim hyung looked at the tv screen and then me then tv and then me. I turned it off and threw the remote on the table.

"I'm hungry jungguk-ah."

"You texted me that you won't be coming tonight. I didn't cook for you" I spoke uninterested. Yes, I'm mad at him and he has to apologize and baby me to get my forgiveness.

"You did saw my message yet didn't reply. Are you mad at me jungguk-ah?" He turned his face at my side so he can view my expression clearly. He knows what's wrong but still playing the innocent card huh!

So I didn't reply and turned my face other side and clenched my jaw.

"I'm going to take a shower. Please order some food for me" okay..looks like he is really exhausted. I tilted my head and glanced at him with narrow eyes as he enters our bedroom.

"Huh? He always overworks. I'm just helping him because he is tired, nothing else" I called for foodservice and order some light food. I finished my rice in a few minutes then washed my dishes.

I heard some noise from the bedroom, seems likes he is done showering. I waited for a few minutes so he can change. I walked to our bedroom and saw him drying his hair. I immediately plop on my side of the bed.

Yes we sleep together, no no, not like that you perverts.😏

I have a king-size bed, more than enough for 2 people. I heard the doorbell signaling food arrival. I can hear Jiminie hyung opened the door and thanked the guard which acts as a conduit between the delivery guy and us. He must be eating food now.

I tried to sleep but that was long gone now. I was just tossing and turning for 20 minutes I guess. I looked at the clock and it shows 11:35 pm. Sleep, where are you? Its almost midnight.

Jiminie hyung enters the bedroom, checked his phone, scrolled for a few times, then locked it and put it on the bedside table. He lay on his side of the bed and stared at the ceiling for some time.

He turns towards me that he is facing me now and looking at me with his brown orbs very tenderly. I was laying straight, facing the ceiling that is why I'm able to see him through my peripheral vision. He was looking at me with so tenderly as if he was looking at some galaxy in the sky.

Why is he looking at me like that?

He moves his body towards me and snuggled his face between my bicep and chest then I felt his hand wrapped around my torso as he placed his leg over my legs.

"I'm sorry jungguk-ah. I know you are mad at me but I wanna make it up to you. I didn't even give you your birthday present. I'm sorry. I'm a bad hyung. You work so hard my bunny, please forgive me junggukie" he looked at me with sad eyes as he placed his tiny chubby hand over my forehead and start massaging my scalp. I closed my eyes and removed his hand from my forehead, his leg from my body, and turned sideways so that my back was facing him.

"Talk to me jungguk-ah. Do you want me to leave? If you don't want to talk to me then I'll leave" I turned towards him and stare his face. Then he gently climbs over me and covered me like a blanket. He placed his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled. " forgive me jungguk-ah. I don't know why I didn't pay attention to you. You are always precious to me my baby golden maknae. Tell me what do you want for your birthday gift?" His voice came out muffled and I can feel his lips moving over my neck as he spoke.

How good it feels, you know... Being babied by him.😈

"Jimin, go to sleep and let me sleep," I say in a stern voice as removed him from me and put him to the mattress. I know he doesn't like it when I drop the honorifics and my tone of voice surely hurt him. He reached to his side of the bed and turned sideways.

I can not see his face but I think I went a little far with him. I know he is busy, he is hardworking as well as overworking, he cares for others even if he's hurting inside. But I want to know what's bothering him.

I turned towards him. My hyungie is so beautiful, from inside as well as outside. He is wearing shorts and the t-shirt that he wore in dynamite dance practice. That t-shirt is crankling and hugging his body so softly as if it was a part of his body. His neck mole looks so beautiful that I want to touch it...with my lips.

I didn't notice that I was gawking at him in a not so friendly way.

His t-shirt is slightly lifted from his waist so I'm able to see his white milky waist through the gap. Suddenly I have the urge to lift it and caress his waist.

Will I do it? Of course not.
But cuddling won't hurt right!

Also, I have already forgiven him and now it's my turn. So I Slide towards him like a snail with effort making sound effects. I know he is not asleep because his breathing was not deep.

Let's cuddle with my hyungie.


Cuddles are 🥺😏

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