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Jimin's pov

I can feel him moving towards me and he stopped right behind me. If he slightly moves forward then he'll be big spoon in this position. We are not touching anywhere as I can feel a slight gap between us.... can be filled by a piece of paper.

Yes, I ignored him for after his birthday although my attention was on him, the entire fucking time. I can't stop myself from hugging him or ruffling his hair, I want him to smile all the time as I watch his eyes twinkling.

That is why I ignored him. Even in the vlive, he stared at me but I looked at the ground because if I have looked into his universe containing doe eyes then my tears would have escaped my eyes. I was too overwhelmed by that situation because I couldn't handle my happiness at that time.

I asked for his forgiveness because it surely hurt him. Maybe I have to try harder. But he really doesn't wanna talk to me. He even dropped the honorific.

"Hyung" he spoke lowly near my left ear. His breath is fanning over my left collarbone through the shoulder.

"Never do that again. You have no idea how much it affects me. I thought I have done something wrong and you are mad at me. I forgive you hyung" he spoke and I felt relieved. He has forgiven me. I'll never do that again with my bunny.

"I'm sorry too hyung, for using that tone" a smile automatically crept over my lips. Finally, we are normal again and we are here, on the same bed, basking in each other's presence, I'm anticipating something. His mere touch soothes my mood so touch me jungguk. Hug me. Cuddle with me.

"Talk to me. I know you are awake" he spoke as he pressed his face behind my neck. A shiver ran down through my body. We sleep on the same bed almost daily but we maintained our distance. Just say we have our own bed sides which we do not cross generally, specifically when we are alone. I felt a hand sliding over my uncovered waist. I visibly shivered at this but didn't say anything. He nudged his knee between my legs and our skin collided, I'm feeling like I was going to melt from the heat I am feeling inside me.

"You asked me about my birthday gift. I guess I know what I want now" jungguk said as He moved his left hand under my t-shirt slowly and placed it on my navel. He traced my navel with a finger and I can feel my breath got hitched. My nerve endings exploded as I can feel goosebumps over my body. He buried his left leg completely between my legs and he intervenes our right-hand fingers, we are in a  spooning position completely. His hand moved under my shirt as he pressing every inch of my torso with his spread monstrous palm.

"Once you told me that you'll kiss me, hyung. Can I get my kiss now?" He spoke while nuzzling his nose further in my neck. My neck is very susceptible and his light kisses were only fueled me more. His hand roamed slowly on my torso, caressing every inch of my skin, I was suppressing my urge to let out any sound from my mouth. His thumb reached my nipple and he traced my protuberance around the areola in a circular motion and I lost my shit when he suddenly pressed it in the center.

"Ahhh!~" I moaned. "wh-what are you doing jungguk-ah," I asked, though I already knew.

"We are just cuddling hyung" he spoke in my ear and buried his face into the crook of my neck. Then I felt his body pressed onto mine tightly and he pressed me back with his hand. I knew we were stepping out of our boundaries but I don't want to stop him, I want to feel everything he feels for me. Every inch of our body was touching in a sensual posture, his face in my neck, his muscular broad chest against my back, his hand under my clothing gently abusing my nipples, his leg between my legs and his manhood poking between my asscheeks and thighs.

 Every inch of our body was touching in a sensual posture, his face in my neck, his muscular broad chest against my back, his hand under my clothing gently abusing my nipples, his leg between my legs and his manhood poking between my asscheeks and...

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