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"Jiminie Hyung" he spoke after some time but I didn't reply. He hugged me from behind and our naked bodies are in contact once again. He placed his hand on my heart as if he was feeling my pounding heartbeat, he snuggled more in me so that I can feel his rapid heartbeat too.

"You are me, I'm you. You know that right. I don't want to do it so quickly because I want you to be ready when we do it. Both physically and mentally." he said and kissed my neck.

Okay, He does like me like that.

I smiled shyly and cover my face with my hand. He turns me and stares into my eyes, I smiled shyly again because he was looking at me with a serene manner which I can't survive. He pecked my lips and smiled again.

"I have an alternate method, by the way" his smile turns into a smirk as turn me and started kissing in my crook of the neck. He pinched my nipple and trailed wet kisses around my neck. I was fully aroused now just want him to take me now and do whatever he wants. He choked me with his monster hand and leave hickeys on my neck. His hand trailed on my back and I arched in response but he didn't stop here and squeeze my ass cheek, his middle finger brushed against my butt hole and I gasped.

He took a bottle of lube from the drawer and squeeze a generous amount of lube on his hand. He rubbed that lube over his cock and lay beside me like a previous position like he was big spooning me. He slightly lifted my thigh and insert his massive cock between my thighs and I gasped. Moans escaped through my lips when he again encircled my nipples between his fingers and kissing me hungrily. Fuck, I longed for him all these years, and I'm here today, in our apartment, in our bed, in his arms, and he between my thighs. He started moving back and forth slowly between my thighs and his cock was providing friction to my balls and butthole. I let out my moans which I was holding and kissed him sloppily. And now I get it, what he was implying. I'm getting a THIGH fuck tonight.

His hand reached my cock, he pumped it and traced his thumb over the tip of my cock. I closed my eyes and my lips automatically parted from the pleasure I was receiving. His movements gradually increase and now he starts thrusting deeply between my thighs. He placed an open mouth kiss on my neck and massaged my nipple with his fingers again. He tilted my head to get better access to my lips and kissed me. The intensity of his thrusts increase and our bodies moved in sync with each other. I pressed my thighs together tightly so that he can get better tightness around his cock.

"Ahh~" he moaned in my mouth as he squeezed my ass cheek again with his big hand. I started moving back and forth with my pressed thighs and it fucking feels good. He groaned and chocked me again, my mouth parted at this action and he shoved his tongue in mouth again, still thrusting. I sucked him back and bit his tongue slightly, he groaned at this and pulled his cock out from my thighs, leaving me craving for his huge cock.

He lifted slightly and pulled me towards himself so I can face him.
"On your four" he spoke lowly and I immediately followed his command. He positioned himself behind my ass and again insert his cock between my ass cheeks in Doggy style. His cock pierce my ass cheeks and slide below my balls, giving me shivers of amusement. He thrust with animal pace and I hang my head low. I was a moaning mess under him and my hands were shaking in this position so he stabilizes me by pulling me closer to him. His hands grabbed my waist as he thrust rapidly, I can see the red tip of his cock peeking through my thighs as my cock jolts from his thrusts. My orgasm was building inside me and my hands were trembling as he thrust, deep and powerful.

If a single thigh fuck can give so much pleasure, then I can't imagine the pleasure I'll get from real fucking.

"Hyung, I'm clo-close" Jungkook said and increases his pace. I can feel his legs trembling as he thrust faster and faster. I was no better than him.
"me too Jungguk-ahh~" I can't bear this anymore. "I'm going to-" I came as I said this. Streaks of my cum fall on my abs and bedsheet, I hung my head low to regain my breath, and soon after me, I can feel his cum on my face and my abs. He pulled my neck closer to him as he cools down from his orgasm, kissed me. He wiped his cum from my face and kissed me, again.

"Jiminie hyung is mine" he said and slowly rubbed his cock under my balls few times.
We both were panting hard as he laid beside me. I interviewed our finger and smiled at him, he looks ethereal with his locks falling directionlessly on his face. Beads of sweat are shining over his forehead, his chest rising up and down to catch his breath. He looked at me with that universe containing doe eyes and smiled sweetly

As if he didn't just fucked me.

"Hyung," "you are me, I'm you. Always remember that." He said and kissed me again with love and delicacy.

I cannot feel more content at this moment. He hugged me so tenderly after sex as if I was made up of the glass. He was handling me so gently that I could let flow my happy tears from my eyes. After cooling down, he lifted me in in bridal style and carried me to the bathroom. He handed me a wet towel to clean myself as he goes to the room to change the bedsheets. After cleaning ourselves, he again lifted me in bridal style and placed me on the bed. He turned off the lamp and I snuggled into his chest. I can feel the rhythm of his heartbeat against my cheek. He placed his arm around my torso and placed his leg between my legs. He kissed me on my forehead softly.

"You are mine jungguk-ah."

"Always yours. And you are mine, hyung"

"Only yours."😚

We kissed one last time and drifted into sleep in each other's arm, listening to our heartbeats.

Uaaaaaeee~ Uaaaaaeee~

I groaned to this sound and searched for the source.
" who's crying hyung?" Jungkook spoke in a raspy voice and shuffled around.

"Your alarm junggukie" I turned it off and my eyes widened when I notice the time

"OH SHIT! GET UP LAZY ASS. WE ARE LATE" I screamed. Today our schedule is full and we have to reach the office on time.

"Why are you shouting hyung? Early in the morning. Lemme sleep" he buried his face in the pillow more.

"Its 9:23 and we have to be in the studio at 10:00. So get up your lazy ass to the bathroom" at this he opens his eyes, threw the blanket from his body, sprinted to the bathroom and hurriedly closed the door.

Wow 😲

He could have asked me to join him! This brat!

We finished our daily routine quickly and ate some packed food as breakfast. We didn't say anything as we were in the rush. He was looking handsome as always when he was putting his shoes on. I opened the door to exit the apartment but then an arm from behind, closed the door, and as I turned, he pushed me to the door and hovered over me. Every inch of him was pressed onto me, his breath fanning over my neck and he was looking directly into my eyes.

"What about morning kiss hm?" He said teasingly while I was busy gawking at his lips. He was surely teasing me as he almost touched my lips but slipped to my cheeks and ear. My heart was pounding so fast at his bold gesture before leaving for the work.

"I- I was-"

"Or you thought I will cage you on the wall whenever we left alone in the changing room or I will pin you against the bathroom door as you step inside to kiss the hell out of you because you didn't kiss me now" his breath was stroking against my ears when he was uttering those shameless words. His hands were grabbing my tiny waist gently but roughly at the same time. His macho cologne was intoxicating my brain and luring me to him.

"No..no, do it here" as I point my index finger at my lips. My words were having 2 meanings for him to understand.

"Leave it. I don't think you want to kiss me, Jiminie hyung." He backed off to grab his jacket from the couch while I was expecting him to kiss me. I huffed and pouted unconsciously. I will revenge it later. 😒

I opened the door and marched towards the lift and heard a chuckle from behind. He followed me and we both headed towards our Bighit building.



I swear it wasn't me 🙂🤭

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