Chapter 1

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Story adapted from a one-shot request by GalacticgirlGracie

tw//graphic descriptions of injury (some of which might be reminiscent of self harm for some), gun violence, minor character death


Summary: You've been ship wrecked along with an away team on an alien planet known as Ravnor, home to a people known as the Raveks with technology similar to that of twenty-first century earth's. But despite your efforts to remain far from civilization, you find yourself accidentally breaking the prime directive. Chaos ensues.


The viewscreen in front of me flickered to life, and for the first time that afternoon, I smiled. I'd been working for hours, trying to get the damn thing to come back online, and finally, it seemed I'd been able to repair it to the point where it was fully functional. Not only was the screen working, but it seemed the rest of the systems were too. The only way to test it would be to make a personal log.

"Personal Log, Stardate XXXX.X. I'm sorry about how rushed my previous log was," I sighed. "I didn't think we'd have much longer with so much of the runabout destroyed. But Ensign Omax was able to get auxiliary power online, best he could. So now that I have a little extra power for my log, I thought I should probably elaborate a little."

I played with my hair a little, glancing around the command pit as I collected my thoughts. So much had happened—where did I even start? I supposed... well, the beginning was probably best. Wasn't it?

"As I said before—we crashed," I said. "And it was bad. Really bad. Not to say that we had a bad pilot. Ensign Omax is one of the best from the Shenipsit. But he's fresh from the Academy, and no matter how high his marks were, no one could have been prepared for the rogue Ferengi ambush. This was meant to be a training mission for him. But even when I took over the weapons array... there was little to be done. The Ferengi had accidentally damaged our engines while they were trying to frighten us with non-lethal fire, and the coolant was leaking. The warp drive had to be ejected.

"By then, the Ferengi seemed to realize how much they'd actually damaged our vessel, and took off at warp speed. But we only had impulse engines at that point. The resulting explosion of the warp core propelled us into Ravnor's atmosphere. The one we were meant to be studying on this away mission. That managed to take out our impulse, too—so that the only thing our runabout could do was steer.

"So what did we do? Well, the best we could. Fortunately, navigation was still functional—as functional as it could be, anyway. So we steered ourselves in the direction of a boreal forest towards the northern pole, far from any civilization of the Ravek people. I suppose it's possible that the Raveks saw the blaze of the shuttle... but even if they did, they probably just thought it was a shooting star of sorts. What concerns me right now is how we're going to survive.

"The replicator was destroyed, so we have no food or water on hand at the moment. Doctor Bashir and Commander Ryan are out searching for water, since that's our first priority. I don't know how, or if we're going to be able to purify it, but... well I don't want to think about that right now. Ensign Omax and Lieutenant Dalton are gathering firewood for sundown. We're lucky we managed to land during the northern pole's autumn season rather than winter, but it's still quite cold, and nightfall is going to make things much worse.

"I'm meant to be holding down the fort... but there's not much to do really. I feel useless. I've tried to get the impulse engines back online, but they were so wrecked from the explosion I don't think it's going to be possible. We're lucky it's a M class planet, but I think we're going to be stuck here for a while."

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