Chapter 17 - Ojiro, the Only One With Any Sense

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A/N: Hello my readers! I hope you enjoy and I appreciate feedback. Just a heads up though, this book is nearing the end in the next couple chapter(s).


"I'm still confused on who we should apologize to." Todoroki said leaning against Iida. Todoroki and Iida started dating during all this chaos was happening.

"Y'all are actually dumbassess." A voice said. The class turned to Ojiro and raised their eyebrows.

"How are we dumbasses Ojiro?" Iida asked.

"WhO ShOuLd We ApOlOgIzE To? BITCH! We should be apologizing to the person we harassed, bullied, and all the other shit we did to him." Ojiro screamed.

"Yeah I know that, but who?" Todoroki said.

Ojiro sighed in exasperation, and silently prayed for the class, "Bakugou, we should be apologizing to him." Ojiro said.

"Oh my god we really are dumbasses." Kami said.

"Yeah you really are. Now if you excuse me I have something to do." Ojiro said and walked away.

Ojiro left the class and walked to the elevator. He owed Bakugou a huge apology. He pressed the button to the fourth floor, he figured they were at Bakugou's dorm anyway.

Ojiro walked up to Bakugou's door and knocked 4 times. There was shuffling that was heard, and the door opened shortly after.

"Oh hey Ojiro what do you need?" Izuku asked.

"I was wondering if I could speak with Bakugou, you can be there too if you want." Ojiro said, his tail swishing nervously.

"Yeah, come in." Izuku smiled and stepped aside to let Ojiro inside.

"Thanks." Ojiro walked in. Ojiro walked inside to see Bakugou on his bed with snacks around him. Izuku took a seat on the edge of the bed, and Katsuki sat up and shifted to the edge too.

"Bakugou..." Ojiro said.

"Yes?" Katsuki said gruffly.

"I would like to formally apologize for the way I treated you. I followed a stupid conclusion that Uraraka came up when I shouldn't have." Ojiro said loud and clear with a full 90 degree bow in front of the male.

"Oh." Katsuki was surprised, so was Izuku. Katsuki gulped awkwardly.

"You are forgiven, you didn't really do anything, we didn't really talk anyway." Katsuki said and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"I know but still, I would like to apologize." Ojiro said, still bowing.

"Yeah ok, you're formally forgiven. Stand up please." Katsuki said and Ojiro rose.

"Thank you. I will get out of your hair now, goodbye." Ojiro said, and swiftly left the dorm room.

"That was strange but appreciated." Katsuki said.

"I'm glad he apologized though, what's strange is how you forgave him." Izuku said and giggled.

"HAH?" Bakugou screeched, and began to tickle Izuku.

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