Chapter 1

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It's everyone's 5th year at Hogwarts, but your new so it's your first year, you come from a rich pure blood background,your mum was best Friends with the Malfoys and had grown up with Lucius when she was a kid. You never knew your dad because your mum kicked him out when u was a baby, she said it wasn't safe for u,but u always wondered who it was. A couple of days before u start school u decided to go to diagon alley and get all your school stuff, your mum had planned to go with the malfoys, u complained because you hated Draco, he had always bullied u and made fun of u for not starting at Hogwarts at the beginning with everyone else,"do we really have to go with them"u say to your mum annoyed,"yes,y/n u know there my best friends,just try and get along with Draco for me please" she says in a fed up tone"fine but only for today", you get ready into some black jeans and a dark green body suit, you straightened your hair and put abit if Make-up on, u didn't really care what u looked like because it was only Draco. You and your mum make your way to the Malfoy mannor,(wich was only about ten minutes away)you finally arive and knock on the big double could here someone walking down the stairs,then u heard Lucius shouting at Draco to answer you, as you hear the door unlocking u step back and watch as it flings open from the inside, your mum then walks in and gives Draco a hug and takes her shoes walk round and u see Draco look u up and down and smirk,u roll your and and say"take a picture Draco it will last longer"his smirk fades away and he says"shut up y/n" and walks away into the front all get your shoes on and head down to diagon alley. When u get there your mum sends u off with Draco and lucious to get your stuff whilst your mum and narcissa go for a coffee.lucious takes you to get your wand fist, you get an Elm wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¼" and quite bendy flexibility, you thengo to get your cloake and uniform. After that you went to the book shop,as your walking in, you bump into the "golden trio" well that's what draco always said they were called.(Harry,Ron and Hermine) "sorry" u say as u look down embarrassed, u had dropped all of your things on the floor and bent down to pick them up. One of the boys u bumped into knelt down and stated talking"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm Harry, Harry Potter" you shake hands with your free hand while you hold everything else in your other one."I'm Ron weasley" the red haired boy stood next to Harry says u shake his hand and turned to the girl next to Ron."oh I'm sorry, I was reading", she says looking up from her book,"I'm hermione, Hermione granger, pleasure to meet u" she says while shaking your hand"and u" you reply as you let go."U better watch where your going pottah!"you hear a voice from behind u shout, u didn't even have to turn around to know it was draco.He comes storming in and barges past u."stay out of her way,do u understand me, u too u dirty mud blood"he shouts as he looks at hermione. He pulls u out of the shop, u think in your head, did he really just stick up for me like that, THE Draco Malfoy standing up for me?. U ended up finishing your shopping there and had tea at the malfoy's you then went home and headed to sleep as u had to get up early tommrow to start your first day at hogwarts

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