Chapter 1: The Fates

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I. Was. Bored. I sat in a bus, leaning against the window, watching the country of New York turn to City. By my side, sat Grover Underwood, one of my best friends. Ok...only best friend. He was currently being picked on by a kleptomaniac red head, by the name of Nancy Bobofit.

Most of the students from Yancy Academy were on a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum. Specifically, the new Greco-Roman Exhibit. The class was led by a wheelchair bound guy, with a tweed jacket, and long brown hair and beard.

We were also chaperoned by a old woman, with a permanent scowl, wearing a black leather jacket. They were Mr. Brunner, and Mrs. Dodds. The Latin and Math teachers.

Now, what most may not know, they have other names. Chiron, and Alecto. How I know? My mother made me aware of the Mythological World so I could "protect" myself.

I was brought out of my musings, by the sound of screeching tires, and the bus jolt into park. Everyone stumbled over each other on their way out, not a care for others. Mrs. Dodds followed behind us, while Mr. Brunner was lowered to the ground by the lift.

"Alright everyone! Make sure to stay near the group, do not split off. Mrs. Dodds, make sure they don't touch anything," Chiron said, his voice booming yet calming. Alecto merely nodded, and followed the back of the group.

Chiron led through the museum, explaining about different art pieces, and statues. "-Son?" I suddenly heard, tuning back in. "Percy?" Chiron asked again. "Huh?" I asked dumbly. I heard some snickers behind me.

"Can you describe this stèle?" Chiron asked, his eyes gleaming. I lazily looked at it, and cringed. "Lunch is coming up, can we do" I asked, staring at the Stèle of Kronos devouring his children.

Chiron thought about it. "No," he simply answered. I sighed. "Kronos, Titan King of Time, was given a prophecy that his children would defeat him the same way he did to his father, Ouranos. When they were born, Kronos devoured them whole. However, when Rhea gave birth to the last child, Zeus, she tricked Kronos, and raised him somewhere else. Once Zeus was old enough, he posed as a Cupbearer for Kronos, and fed him a mixture of Mustard and Wine, which caused him to disgorge Zeus' siblings, who being Immortal, were fully grown. Over the course of a few decades, the Gods defeated the Titans, and started a new age in the world, under the reign of Zeus," I explained.

Chiron's eyes were gleaming with pride. "Full Credit, and a few extra points, Mr. Jackson," Chiron replied. He looked into the distance, then turned back to us. "It seems it is time for lunch, off you go," Chiron ordered.

Everyone broke off, either holding their stomachs, or mysteriously disappeared into the bathrooms. Chiron rolled in his wheelchair, which now had a umbrella over it, eating a sandwich. Mrs. Dodds watched over me and Grover, as we sat far off from the others. The gleam in her eye mildly frightened me.

Then, her gaze was torn away, a look of fear crossing her face briefly, as 3 women started walking by, dressed like nuns. "Do you mind if we sit here?" One asked. Grover and I shook our heads, and scooted over.

One of them took out a basket of food, and shared among her friends or sisters. "Would you like one?" One asked, holding out a calloused, wrinkly hand which held a perfectly red apple. "Although it does look nice, I will have to politely decline. I cannot take the food of some nice ladies," I answered.

She nodded and offered to Grover. He tentatively accepted it, and started gnawing on it. I elbowed him in the side. "Oh...Thank you," Grover said.

The woman smiled kindly, and returned to her meal. Then, Nancy chose that time to drop by. She loosened her grip on a tray of food, which spilled all over Grover. "Oops," Nancy sweetly said.

The kind women looked at Nancy with anger. "Young Lady, it is highly rude to do something of the sort. Apologize," a mature sounding one ordered. Nancy lazily gave the bird, and walked off.

I tried to go after her, but Grover pulled me back. "Don't go searching for trouble. Keep calm, and be wiser," a older, more hoarse sounding nun informed.

I sighed and sat down again. "Oh dear, what happened here?" Chiron asked, rolling over. "Nancy," Grover and I replied. Chiron sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I looked over to the nuns, but they weren't anywhere in sight. Thought so, I thought. "Well, let me help you clean up," Chiron said, leading Grover inside. Suddenly, Alecto appeared in front of me.

"Follow me," she ordered sternly. I sighed, and followed the Fury to a now abandoned Greco-Roman exhibit. "You've been giving us trouble," Alecto started.

"I know you are Alecto, so cut the act," I stated. Alecto froze. "And if you're talking about interfering with the Godly World, I have been avoiding it my entire life. Whatever you think I've done, I didn't do it. I'll even swear on the Styx, if that helps," I finished.

Alecto transformed into the Fury once I was done, and lunged. In a second, I was pinned. "How do you know?" She asked. "For Protection. My mother told me everything I would need to know," I answered. "Where's the Lightning Bolt?" She asked again.

Now, I was stumped. "Lightning Bolt? Zeus's Lightning Bolt? The one that sheared off Mount Etna, that Lightning Bolt?" I asked. She snarled, which I took as a yes. "Why the hell fo you think I took something, that is guarded by the King of the Gods, that has more power than the World Supply of Nukes? I can barely steal a slice of Pizza from my Stepfather," I defended.

"You are the Thief!" Alecto screeched, lifting into the air. "Release him!" I heard a voice call. I tried to locate the voice, but couldn't. "Who are you?" Alecto screeched.

The air grew cold, shadows grew from the walls, the air grew thick, and the earth shook. "I. Said. RELEASE HIM!" The voice boomed again, this time cracking the ground. I fell to the ground, and everything stopped, returning to normal.

Suddenly, Grover and Chiron entered. "Alecto! Leave him!" Chiron ordered. He gave no indication of the voice of power. Alecto still looked scared shitless. She stared at the walls, and faded into dust.

I whirled around on Centaur and Satyr in disguise. "Took you long enough," I said. "Sorry, it was everywhere," Grover defended. "Percy, do you know who that was?" Chiron asked warily. "Alecto, Torturer for Hades. And you are Chiron," I answered smugly.

Chiron shared a worried glance with Grover. "Take him to Camp. He can't finish the school year as of now. I will inform your mother," Chiron said. "You heard him," Grover said, and led me away.

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