Chapter 3: The Quest

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Within a few days, I got used to life at Camp. I had history with Annabeth, to which we were becoming fast friends. Luke taught Sword Fighting, which I excelled at. Chiron taught Archery, which at first I sucked at, but since I wasn't a blood son of Poseidon, I didn't have a curse about Archery on me.

I got a hold on Poseidon's powers pretty well, but that was to be expected. He taught me personally from 5-7 years old. I mastered control of water, and found other uses Poseidon can't do, like manipulation of Ice, and Blood (I only used it to stop bleeding on myself and others). I also am working on Hurricane Formation, and Earthquake Generation.

However, not today. Today I was working on Sword, and Spear fighting, as well as Archery. Today was Friday, Capture the Flag. I am with Athena, Hermes, and Hephaestus the Biggest and Strongest cabins.

I just finished destroying the last of my dummy, when the Ares Cabin strolled in. "Beat it, Sea Spawn. We call the arena," Clarisse, the Counselor, ordered. "Fine by me, I just finished," I answered.

I tried to exit, but they blocked my path. "If you want me to leave, then move," I said. I felt someone charging behind me, the small vibrations alerting me. As they got close, I jumped, kicked off the face of the Ares camper in front of me, and flipped over the charging one, landing perfectly on my feet.

I just stepped over the sprawled bodies, and left the arena. I returned my item to my Cabin, before heading to the forge. It was Noon, and by special request, Capture the Flag will be at Midnight.

"Charles!" I called. The burly kid hammering a...axe, stopped, and turned to me. "Yeah?" He asked. "I was wondering if my request was completed?" I asked. He nodded, and turned to the cabin. "Nina!" He called.

A petite girl came out, pulling a heavy cart. "Here you are, Percy. It was a little tricky, with the specific requirements," Nina said, handing me a Enchanted Celestial Bronze, and Stygian Iron Spear. A Enchanted Celestial Bronze Aegis. And a Quiver of Celestial Bronze tipped arrows.

I fished out 10 Drachma, and paid. "Thank you," I said. The Spear shrunk to a Clicker Pen, the Shield switched to a Digital Watch, and the Quiver became a Duffel Bag. I strapped the watch to my left wrist, put the pen in my pocket, and swung the bag over my shoulder, as I made my way to the Big House.

"Perseus," Dionysus said, nodding in acknowledgment. I returned the gesture. I knocked on the door, and Chiron answered a second later. "Chiron, I wish to pick up a certain weapon Poseidon said you are in possession of," I informed.

Chiron thought about for a second, before realization appeared on his face. "Yes, it is a Xìphos. Made by the Sea," Chiron informed taking out a luxurious Black and Gold Ballpoint pen.

I nodded in gratitude, and made my way to Athena Cabin, where I offered to help in the plan tonight.

Time Skip

I stood by our flag, which was placed upon a pile of rocks, that from a specific angle looks like a Fist implanted on the ground. I sat crisscrossed in front of the pile. My bag was in Quiver form, wrapped around my head and Left Shoulder.

A bow rested by my side, and I held my spear, which has yet to be named, in my Right Hand. I had my eyes closed, as I extended my senses. The air was condensed around me, and all vibrations in a 15 foot radius all lead to me.

After 2 minutes after the horn was blown, I felt roughly 5 armored campers enter my range, as 3 archers sat in the trees. I took a breath, and stood, taking my bow in hand.

My eyes opened, and I glared in the direction of the archers. They started to panic, and fell from their positions. I reached for 3 arrows, and fired them at them. They were blunt, and hit them in the head, knocking them out.

I dropped my bow, and rolled away from the Sword swing. My spear came up to block another strike. 2 were waiting behind my attacker, while 2 others went for the flag.

They were instantly hit with a awful smell, then covered in very sticky sap. I pushed away my attacker, swiped at his legs, and hammered my spear at his head as he fell.

The other 2 split up, one charging me. I switched from my spear, to Riptide, and got ready. As he got real close, I sidestepped, an inch from him, and brought my hilt on the back of his helmet.

I turned to the last one, who stood terrified, the flag in his hands. "Drop it," I ordered, my voice deathly calm. The flag fell, and he fled. The horn blew, signaling the game's end. "Well done, Percy," I heard from behind me.

"Thanks," I said. I turned around, and swiftly removed the hat on Annabeth's Head. "How did you know I was there?" She asked. "Poseidon is the Earthshaker. I use that to feel vibrations in the ground, and pinpoint who and where people are," I answered.

Annabeth nodded in understanding, and grabbed her hat from me. "Are you going to kiss her?" Luke asked. That's when I realized we were inches apart. I took a step back, and turned to the crowd. Luke has the opponents flag in his hands.

"Funny," I stated. "But I would most likely perish if I did that, and I kinda like my life." Luke chuckled in response. Annabeth glared.

Suddenly, we heard a growl. Someone shrieked, and a Hellhound leaped over the pile of rocks, and pinned me to the ground, me facing the slobbery maw.

It took a sniff of me, and like all others, fear flashed in its eyes. It retreated away from me, shivering under my gaze. "Percy?" Annabeth asked, her eyes pinned on the hound. A second later, it turned to dust, arrows in its side.

"Well, that wasn't terrifying," I stated sarcastically. "You're bleeding," Annabeth announced. I looked down, and my arms had cuts all on them. "Anyone have a water bottle?!" I asked, concentrating on the blood.

It started to retreat, moving back into my body, as someone got me some water. "Pour some on my arms please," I asked. The water cascaded on my arms, and moved to heal the cuts. I sighed in content, and relaxed.

"Thanks," I said. The camper nodded, and left. "Now, I know this is a very terrifying moment, but get some rest! It is still the night, and you need your rest!" Chiron ordered. Everyone grumbled, but obliged.

Time Skip

I woke up to the Sun blaring in my face. It seemed to soften as I got up. I quickly got dressed, and made sure I had my weapons on me. As soon as I opened my door, I was met with Annabeth, who was about to knock.

"Yes?" I asked. "Chiron wants you at the Big House," Annabeth answered. I nodded, and followed her out.

Once we got there, Chiron and Dionysus were sitting on the deck, playing Pinochle. Grover sat with them, chewing nervously on a tin can.

I sat down next to them, and got some cards. Over the days, Dionysus taught me to play. I've been winning against him every time. "Perseus, we need to discuss the attack last night," Chiron started.

"It seemed to be a Hellhound, and from the...details on it, I'd say from the Fields of Punishment," I answered. "Yes, but why did it fear you?" Chiron asked.

"I wish I could answer that. Honestly, I believe it is my Father. When Poseidon adopted me, his scent masked my birth scent. Only when a creature that can smell Demigod scents is close enough, my true scent is revealed," I proposed.

"However, this is merely speculation. A Hypothesis," I claimed. Chiron strokes his chin, thinking. Grover got up, and got real close to me, and took a big whiff.

"There is another scent, but I don't recognize it. The only thing close is underground," Grover informed, then returned to his seat. Now, Dionysus was intrigued, and listening to the conversation.

"This is an interesting revelation. There is a meeting later today, I will inform the council of this news. It is definitely something that needs more research," Dionysus stated. He turned to Chiron.

"I approve of your idea, Chiron. This would be a good chance to study him, and figure out his Godly Parent," Dionysus said. Chiron sighed. Thunder rumbled. "Father calls, I must go. I hope you live, Perseus," Dionysus said, then disappeared, leaving the smell of freshly squeezed grapes.

"Percy, if you accept, it may cost your life," Chiron warned. "Accept what?" I asked. "A Quest," Chiron stated.

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