Part of the gang

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After Lory and I got dressed and cleaned up from capture the flag we headed out. Oliver and Terrence told me to go to this grill that the camp had. It was a nice back yard feelingkind if out door grill. The bight was cool so with my light cardiganI was comfy.

The weirdest thing thoughwas in the middle of the restaurant there was this large fire pit with blue flames. And people were throwing some of their food in it when they got it. What was with that?
I found Terrence and Oliver and headed over to them. With them was two girls that screamed beauty and confidence. I felt a little awkward standing next to so many powerful people. "Their you are, whats with the confused face" Terrence said to me grabbingmy attention.

"Why are people just throwing food into that fire pit?" I asked scrunching my eyebrows in confusion. Terrence flashed me a pearly white smile and laughed. "Oh they are are making an offering to the gods" he explained. "Yah, they need to feel appreciated so we give them part of our food as offerings before each meal" Oliver added on. "Usually you offer the food to your godly parent or if there is a god you owe great thanks too" Lory finished explaining.

"Anyways this is Lila Grace and Amanda Zhang, our best friendssince child hood," Terrence said to me gesturing to the two beautiful girls sitting across from me. "Hi nice to meat you, I'm Aelia, Aelia Wilkes and this is Lory. I hope it's okay I brought her along with me." I said giving the group smiles. "Of course its all right, bring as many of your cute friends as you like," Oliver said giving Lory a dashing smile. I swear I saw her swoon.

"Shut it Olie, Dont make the poor girls uncomfortable, I can hardly imagine the nightmare their day was playing capture the flag with you" Amanda said making me laugh. Oliver just pouted. "He did set me on fire today," I said behind laughs. "Yah then I saved you and put it put" Terrence said all proud of himself.

"Yah you saved me after nearly drowning me for a small flame I could of scuffed out" I returned deflating his ego. "I like her, she doesn't stand for you twos nonsense" Amanda said giving me an aproving nod and smile. I smiled back and felt like a weight was just lifted. I have been excepted.

"Yah, also it takes a strong woman to put up with these too by herself" Lila said in agreement. "Were not that troublesome" Oliver and Terrance said with sad puppy faces. "Yes you are" I said in an instant making them give me even sadder puppy dog eyes. I couldn't contain my heart the second I looked into the doe eyes Terrance gave me.

Gah. Why is my heart beating so fast and my stomach doing back flips. "Whatever, stop looking at me like that," I said cooly some how managing to not let my voice crack or breathing stop entirely. "So who's your godly parent?" Lila asked me. "Apollo," I admitted. "Cool, my dad is son of Jupiter and my mom is daughter of Aphroditi" Lila told me.

"Jupiter? Isn't that the roman version of Zeus?" I asked. "Yah, see you know your gods," Lila said smiling at me. "Yah I may have a read a few books, they seemed interesting, or tried as best as I could with my dyslexia" I said. "Well that dyslexia is becauseyour brain is hard wired to read Greek or for the roman sides Roman. Our library books have only those languages in them," Terrence explained.

"Cool, well then I will definitely visit a library here so I can actually read properly" I said getting excited at the thought of being able to read books normally. Everyone else told me who their parents godly parents were. As soon as everyone was introduced we ordered some food and drinks.

"So Olie, how did you do the fire ball thing, is it something all demigods can do?" I asked curiously. "Oh that, its something I inherited from my dad. It's the only ability I actually have since I'm a legacy I have enough god in me to have one power. But your special abilities come from your godly parent." Leo explained. "Yah like i can manipulate water and heal myself with it, and I'm supper good at battle strategies cause my mom is Athena's daughter and my dad is Posidon's son" Terrence explained.

"And I have the ability to strike lighting bolts and have persuasive abilities because my dad is son of Jupiter and my mom is daughter of Aphroditi." Lila explained. "Oh and I'm extremely good in combat and can shadow jump and talk to the dead because my mom is daughter of pluto and my dad is the son of Mars" Amanda added. "Cool, so that means I should have abilities that match Apolo's traits. Lory what abilities do you have maby I have the same?" I asked.

"Oh I'm a healer and good with a bow and arrow, thats it, some demigods inherit more or different abilities then the others so we just need to figure out yours" Lory answered me. I nodded and gave her a huge smile. "Well lucky for you Aelia, Jordan and I have been left in charge of your training so we will help you figure out your abilities" Terrence said throwing an arm around me.

"Can hardly wait to spend a whole day with you" I said sarcastically. "I know, do try to contain your excitement" Terrence laughed removing his arm from around me as our food showed up. As we were finishing eating some guy came up to our group and stood behind Amanda who the usually confident and head strong one suddenly gets quite and shy.

"Hay Caspian" Lila says making Terrence and Oliver look over to him. "Hay Casper." Terrence say as oliver waves at him cooly. "Hay guys, I was board and wondering if I could take Amanda for some extra combat training" Caspian said putting some what I figured out was the famous Aphroditi persuasion. Just as Amanda was stuttering out an agreement Caspian's eyes landed on me.

"And who is this beautiful flower" Caspian said sending me a charming smile that had me rolling my eyes. "I'm Aelia, I'm new here." I answered. Terrence watched me and smiled at my obvious indifference to Caspian's charms. "Fascinating, what godly parent?" Caspian asked me. "Apollo." I answered sending a questioning look over to Terrence who was still watching me. He shook his head at me.

"Well then, if you don't mind, Amanda darling would you like to come do one on one combat with me?" Caspian asked returning his full attention to Amanda who is now deeply blushing. Amanda swallowed a lump in her throat before managing to give a strong confident "yah, sure." Then the two of them left after saying goodbye to us.

Soon Lory and I left the group to return to our cabin. The second we were ear shot away Lory started giggling. "Oh my gods Oliver is so cute! Why have I never talked to him before" Lory said smiling at me. "He's kinda cute I agree, and I don't know?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "Well if Oliver isn't godly cute to you what about Terrence, he couldn't stop looking at you tonight" Lory said trying to get a rise out of me. "Imeanyahhe'shotbut" I mumbled blushing. Lory satisfied with my reaction laughed out loud. "So you think he is Hot!?" Lory said laughing. "Shut up!" I said giving her a light shove.

We got back to the cabin and settled down for bed since it was getting late. "Tomorrow there is going to be a camp fire. Oliver invited us earlier to join the group" Lory said brushing her hair that is wet from her shower. "Cool" I said looking at my phone with old pictures of me and my mom before she became a drunk.

"You know to think we would never have become part of that group if Terrence didn't show an interest in you." Lory said teasing. "Oh please he is only showing interest cause I'm new and 'mysterious' it will wear off soon." I said burying any feelings I had. "Whatever you say" Lory says knowingly.

Is Terrence really interested in me. We only met today so there's no way to know for sure. Give it some time once he gets to know you he will leave just like everyone else. I'm not anyone special so he has no reason to take interest in me. I fall asleep thinking about all the things I done wrong that could of made my mom hate me so much she would send me away. Atleast I have Lory, I have a feeling she is going to be my closest friend. I also have a feeling Lila and Amanda are going to be close friends of mine. All I need are three truly good friends. I just hope they don't leave me.

Hay guys sorry for the late chapter. I got so excited to write this but then got busy. Anyways here it is. I am very excited for this book and hope you will stick around to read.

Till next time my lovely readers...

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