Message from the Gods

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I have been at this camp for a whole month now and still I haven't figured out my weapon. I have tried every possible Greek and Roman weapon of choice and even some untraditional weapons. Nor have I figured out any of my special abilities.

The whole gang decided to go hang out in the park at the center of the camp and were enjoying a picnic they put together. I wondered away from the group to a lake hidden behind trees and sat on the dirt looking at the fishes swimming in the lake.

I wasn't thinking but just messing around and light started to bend to my will and I would make illusions and things disappear and reappear at will. I was curious and tried to focus the light into a concentrated ball that would have blinded the average person to look at.

Terrence just then decided it would be fun too sneak up on me and scared the ever loving shit out of me to were I threw my light ball in his direction. He just barely dodged it and we watched as it made a brown burn spot on the tree behind him.

"Poor tree" Terrence said pouting slightly before giving me a dorky smile that made me almost want to return a smile. "My gods you kelp brain why did you scare me like that" I asked annoyed. Terrence just smiled at me coolly and said, "sorry Al, we noticed you were missing and I volunteered to come look for you."

"Whatever" I said calming down and facing the water again. "So we figured out one of your special abilities. Light manipulation" Terrence said smiling at me again. His eyes were such a pretty blend of green and blue that I got lost in... snap out of it Aelia! "Yeah it's cool I guess along with my literary skills. If only I could figure out what weapon I'm good at." I said giving him a small smile.

"Ter?" I called out after a few minutes of silence. "Hmm" Terrence responded looking at me. "Do you think there is a weapon I will be good at" I asked. "Of course. I'm positive their is something special that you can yield to fight with." Terrence reassured me. Terrence went back to our friends to let them know we're okay and I promised to come back in a few more minutes.

Before I was about to leave a blinding beam of light that was no way caused by me appeared right in front of me. I covered my eyes and looked away until the light disapaited. "Aelia my child" a deep voice said startling me. I looked up and saw a blond and very golden tanned man that appeared to glow in the ligh.

"What?" I said blinking at the vert tall, very tanned, and verry much blonde hair and blue eyed man in front of me. He seemed to have a glow about him. "It's me your old man. Ha, sorry I'm a fan of the dramatics" the man said laughing at me with an easy smile before slouching slightly and letting his laurel crown slant on his long hair.

"Apollo? Dad?" I asked as my head started to spin with questions. "The one and only" Apollo said offering me a hug. I took the rare  chance to give my dad a hug. "Anyways I know you have alot of questions but I can't stay for long so I'm going to give you advice on your little weapon problem and let you ask one question which I will answer fully." Apollo said looking down at me.

"Umm yeah my friends are waiting on me anyways but you go first while I pick one of my millions of questions I have for you" I said still in shock. "Now I've been watching my children as I do and noticed you were having a hard time with everything even a bow and arrow, big shock to me, but I gave a little call to some friends and Nemesis surprisingly enough was the one to answer with a very unique idea for a weapon you could try." Apollo said looking around at the clearing I had found myself in.

"And... what was it" I said hoping to get a solution. "Whips! Tada!!!" Apollo said excitedly like he was the most genius being ever. "Ummm, thats definitely a new one. I suppose I can find someone in camp that may know how to fight with whips" I said wracking my brain maby I could see if any of the demigods were a daugter of Nemesis in camp.

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