Hush the Loud Voices

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   The rest of the day was filled with half awake conversation and nightmare prone sleeping. Shouta didn't get much sleep at all. He couldn't wait for Hizashi to get home.

   Speak of the devil. He heard the door open. He poked his head out the door and shushed his husband before he could start talking.

   Hizashi shut his mouth and gave a confused look. 'What' he signed. Thank God Hizashi knew sign language.

   Shota nodded for his husband to come over. He went to duck back into the room.

   A moment later Hizashi poked his head in and his eyes widened behind his glasses. 'Is that a child?' He signed frantically.

   'Listen. I can explain.' Aizawa's hands were a bit jerkier and more tired. He really needed to sleep.

   Hizashi made a face that was the embodiment of :/ 'Well?' he was clearly waiting.

   'He's being abused, Hizashi. This is Touya Todoroki. I was right.' Aizawa felt a renewed energy in the form of anger at Endeavor.

   'Abused..? Todoroki Touya? As in... Endeavor?' Hizashi stared at his husband.

   Shouta gave a nod. 'I found him half dead in an alley. His father tried to kill him Hizashi!'

   'I'm not arguing with you Shouta! I know what you want. And you're absolutely right.' Hizashi pressed a kiss to his husband's forehead. 'We can't let Endeavor know he's alive. It could endanger him.'

   Shouta gave a breath of relief and nodded. He knew Hizashi would understand. He loved kids. and He hated Endeavor. At least. As much as he could hate anyone. 'Good.'

   'What do you suggest we do?' Hizashi signed.

   'I want to keep an eye on him.'
Hizashi practically beamed. He'd been trying to convince Shouta to adopt for years. 'You mean it? We're keeping him?'

  Shouta forced down a blush. 'Calm down! I don't want to make him uncomfortable by putting a label on it. But yes.' he sighed.

   Hizashi nodded eagerly. 'Oh this is great Shouta! I love you so much. You're so smart and caring.' he pressed kiss after kiss on his husbands face.

   Shouta gave a small laugh. "Stop it." he chuckles trying to stay quiet.

   His husband giggled but stopped the barrage. He then noticed how tired Shouta looked. 'You should go rest.' He suggested still signing. his voice was far too loud to speak while Touya was sleeping.

   Aizawa gave a thankful look. 'Watch him for me.' He pressed a kiss to his husband's lips and headed to their room to rest.

   Hizashi laughed softly and took a seat next to the bed. He went to pull his hearing aids out and sighed as the world went quiet.He was tired as well. It's been a long night and morning. He hummed softly and watched over Touya before he too began to doze.

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