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Hizashi looked peaceful in the infirmary bed. Shouta hadn't been able to visit much. He was busy moving their stuff into the teachers dorms. Shouta was not a fan of moving from their house. But Touya, Hizashi, and himself had to stay in the teacher's dorms and Hitoshi and Katsuki were in 1A dorms.

   Shouta hoped Zashi would be okay. The people did as well. The official statement was released a few days ago. "Present Mic out of commission for an unknown amount of time after escaping capture by Villains." It was accurate… but it pried into their lives to much.

   Shouta sighed and twisted the ring on his finger. He had been wearing his ring more often since this happened. It helped him focus. These times were hectic.

   "Mm… " The groan made Shouta look up.

   Hizashi scrunched his face and blinked open his eyes. He looked around for a moment. He looked confused and dazed.

   Shouta smiled lightly and waved.
   Zashi gave a tired smile. He lifted his hand and waved.

   Shouta rummaged in his pocket before he pulled out his husband's hearing aids. He held them out.

   Zashi took them carefully and put them on. He winced as the sound hit. It made Shouta frown as he helped his husband sit up.

   "Wha' happened..." he muttered and then cleared his throat. " Hurts."

   "Yeah your neck was pretty messed up. And you were really sick. Hence the IV." Shouta made a motion.

   Zashi turned to look at it. "Oh." he blinked and smiled. "I knew you'd find me."

   Shouta's heart twisted. How could he confuse that villain with his sunshiny husband? "Oh Zashi," he whispered.

   He chuckled softly and then frowned. "Hey… 's my quirk okay..?"

   "Yeah. It's fine. You just need to heal." He pressed a kiss to Hizashi's knuckles. " You're okay."

   Zashi smiled softly and leaned back. "Thank God. Are the boys okay..?"

   "They're okay." Shouta rubbed Hizashi's shoulder and laced their fingers together.

   Zashi sighed again. "S good."

   Shouta smiled. "Yeah. That's good."

   "I wanna leave..." Hizashi muttered.
   Recovery Girl arrived as if he was summoned. "I already know i can't convince you to stay." there was a twinge of pity in her voice. "Take it easy or I will find you."

   Hizashi nodded and cleared his throat. "Shall we?" he asked turning to Sho.

   Shouta rolled his eyes."Come on dummy."

   Touya sighed. He was helping Hitoshi and Katsuki with their stuff. More like he was doing everything. Katsuki was sitting with Kirishima and "studying." Touya would call it flirting. Hitoshi was being dragged around by Kaminari and Mina.

   He rolled his eyes and sighed. For a moment he wondered where Shoto was. The thought was gone fast as he looked out the window. "Pops!"

   Sure enough Hizashi was leaning on Shouta as they walked in the door.  His neck was still bandaged up as well as his head but he looked better. He was up.

   Katsuki and Hitoshi both looked over at that. "So the old lady finally let you go?"

   "Don't be rude Katsuki." Hitoshi smacked Katsukis head.


   Hizashi gave a soft laugh. " Wow I feel so welcomed."

   Touya shook his head. "Ignore them. I'm really glad you're okay. Can I… is huggin okay?"

   Hizashi huffed. "Touya if you don't hug me right now I will scream your ear off."

   Shouta gave a small chuckle. "He's touch starved."

   "Hey. I have a reason." Hizashi pouted but held his arms out for Touya to hug. There was a sadness lacing his voice but Shouta decided not to say anything right now.

   Hitoshi joined in and eventually a reluctant Katsuki did too. Hizashi grinned and ruffled all of their hair. "I missed you guys..."

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