#03 - Bright

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"Good morning, sir"

"Good morning.. What's my schedule for today?

"Today you have a meeting with the planning department at 10 AM and this afternoon you have a scheduled lunch with the board of directors, sir" Film explained

"Okay, thanks Film" Metawin sighed

"Sorry in advance, sir.. Is this yours?" She handed something to her boss

Metawin was surprised, it was his lost wallet that he was looking for last night

"Where did you get it?" He took the wallet from her

"There was a young man who brought it here this morning, sir"

"Young man? Who?"

"I don't know either sir, but he left a note for you"

Film gave the small paper that the young man had left to Metawin.. He took it and opened the note

'Hi, you dropped this at the restaurant last night. Sorry I opened your wallet to find out who owned this wallet before, but I only saw your business card in your wallet. Please check again, if something is missing from your wallet, you can look for me at Vanille Cafe and Patisserie. I work there from 8 am to 5 pm, you can find me anytime.'

- Bright

"Bright?" Metawin thought for a moment to remember whether he had an acquaintance or friend named Bright

"Euhm.. Sir? Is everything okay?" Film finally spoke after seeing her boss who was silent because he seemed to be thinking about something

"I'll go to the CCTV room.. Thank you, Film.." 

Metawin kept the notes and his wallet in his pocket and went out to the CCTV room.. He wanted to see the face of the person who had returned his wallet

He knocked on the room and went straight in.. The people in there immediately got up and bowed to their CEO

"Is there anything we can do to help, sir?" The head of the CCTV room asked politely

"Show me the CCTV at the reception desk starting at 7 AM this morning" Metawin ordered

The employee nodded and immediately directed the CEO to one of his subordinates to show what the CEO wanted to see.. Then the employee gave Metawin a chair to sit on

They watched the CCTV video back off and Metawin caught a familiar face

"Stop! Try zooming in here again" Metawin pointed to the part he wanted to see closer

His employees did what the CEO wanted and enlarged that part of the video.. The employees obey the wishes of the CEO

"Wasn't this the kind person yesterday?" Thought Metawin

He smiled because finally he knew who the person who returned his wallet was

"Thank you for your hard work" He stood up and thanked them

As he returned to his room, he stopped at Film's desk to say something

"Film, write a check for 500,000 baht and ask my driver to give it to the guy named Bright at Vanille Cafe and Patisserie.. Give it to him as my thanks to him for returning my wallet"

"I'll do it right away, sir" Film nodded in understanding

After that, Metawin returned to his room and he took his wallet from his pocket.. He took out a photo of his mother which he tucked hidden in his wallet

"I'm sorry I lost your photo yesterday, mom.. I promise to be more careful" He talked to himself while looking at his mother's photo

He returned to his desk and continued to work.. Then when it was nearly 10 o'clock, Film knocked on Metawin's room and went inside to call him for the meeting

The meeting runs for more than 2 hours and after that they continued with lunch with the board of directors.. They went to one of the restaurants that had been booked beforehand

There is only Metawin who is the youngest, but his position is the highest among the directors there.. He eats quietly and listens to the old men in front of him eating while chatting, and not infrequently he is also the target of matchmaking with the daughters of these directors

"Yes, my daughter has just graduated from University of Cambridge majoring in Law.. She wants to be a good lawyer" One of the directors there spoke

"Yes, so is my daughter.. She also finally opened her own fashion company in Paris now" Another director spoke

Metawin who heard that only grumbled in his heart because he felt uncomfortable with all the conversations there, because he knew what would happen after this

"Sir, do you have a lover?" A director asked Metawin

"Here we go again" Metawin thought

"Ah I'm not interested in starting a relationship yet" Metawin answered with a forced smile

"Aww at this age it is perfect to have a partner.. Do you want to-"

Metawin cleared his throat firmly in order to silence the directors.. His face turned serious and gloomy.. The directors who realized that immediately fell silent in panic

"I still have work to do, I'll take my leave first.. Enjoy your lunch.." Metawin got up from his chair and left from there.. The directors simultaneously stood up and bowed

Metawin walked to his car and got in a bad mood, even Film didn't dare say anything

"Excuse me, Sir.. Sorry if I'm impolite, but I want to return this" the driver said while holding out something

Metawin took it and for a moment he was confused

"Didn't I ask this to be given to that young man named Bright?" He said while holding a check for 500,000 baht which should have been given to the kind young man who had returned his wallet

"I'm sorry, sir.. But the young man insisted on refusing this check, he said that he helped you sincerely and didn't expect anything in return" The driver said hesitantly but still politely

"He said that?" Metawin still had doubts

"Yes, sir.. He even told me that this kind of money should be used to help people who are more in need or donate it to an orphanage" 

Metawin who heard the explanation was silent and looked at the check in his hand.. Without realizing it, he was a little amazed by the kind-hearted young man.. He didn't expect that the young man was not only kind-hearted, but also wise

"Film.." He called his secretary who was sitting in the front seat

"Yes sir?"

"Find out the background of this young man" 

"Yes sir" Film nodded and wrote it down on her little agenda

"And also.." Metawin still said half and then tore the check in his hand

"Give donations to several orphanages that you think really need financial assistance" He continued

"I'll do it right away, sir" Film heeded her master's orders

Then after they felt their conversation was over, the driver immediately accelerated the car and drove his master home

All the way home, Metawin kept remembering the young man.. The young man he met for the first time in front of the cafe and it also turned out that it ended with a kind young man who found his wallet and returned it without expecting anything in return

He looked out of the windshield and without realizing he smiled

"Bright.. What a beautiful name.. Suits him well"


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