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This may end up being a prologue to another story I might post. It might also end up on my collab  account, unknownlivingjumper. Go vote!

3rd Person

"My daughter," the king of Vargiad exclaimed mournfully, "is missing."

The whole council room gasped. Their king had nothing but love for his daughter. She was beautiful and shy. She did what she was told, and she was told not to leave the royal household with anyone, let alone the planet.

"The royal guard," their king continued, " that my daughter was forced against her will into a hijacked vessel. That vessel, earlier today, our guard spotted going to Earth.'

Another gasp came from the council. Earth, at the moment, treated their species like monsters. They were forced out of cities, and had to make a living in the wilds of the harshest  parts of Earth. The humans there are vicious to the Vargians; if the king's daughter was taken there, there might be no saving her.

"Later today, our most prestigious soldiers will go to Earth and inform their leaders of my daughter's kidnapping. If thy do not cooperate, then we will declare war on their whole world." The council room clapped at the brave father's decision. The Vargians have wanted war foe a very long time. They offered peace, yet the humans only ran them out. If war was what the humans wanted...

So be it.

Thanks reading guys! Sorry for it being so short. However, just writing it made me hyped! Please, go to the collab account unknownlivingjumper and vote for whichever story you want to see come to life! There are ro other ideas by two very awesome writers unknownreaderwriter and ColorInTheCityLights. Thank you, and Hasta la Pasta!!

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