His Angel and Her Bunny

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Part 1

In the dark of the night, therewas a house. In the attic of that house, a girl whose body was long gone played with her raggedy bunny plushie, named Madi. For a long time, the small girl had been alone. However, she did not mind. She had Madi. As long as she had Madi, the girl would never feel alone.

Recently, the house that she lived in had been filled with unknown sounds. The bodyless girl shook in the corner and held Madi close. Once, a large, burly man entered her hiding place. The girl and Madi hid behind dust- covered boxes until he left. After all the noises went away, the girl and Madi's days went back to normal.

One day, the girl woke up to find Madi was missing. She looked all around for her only friend. Instead of the bunny, she found a small door on the floor. She gathered up her courage and went through the door.

The bright light blinded her for a second. Once she could see, she spied Madi being played with by a boy her age. He had dark brown hair and big caramel eyes. She cautiously floated over to the boy. "U-u-um..." She stuttered. The boy looked straight at her. "H-hi." he said. She jumped, scurrying behind a closet door.

Soon enough, the boy poked his head from in front of the door. "W-why are you hiding?" he asked. She could only look at him. He stared at her curiously. After a while, he ran away. A few seconds later, he came back with a bunch of toys. One of them was her bunny friend, Madi. She grabbed Madi and scrunched herself back in the corner.

The boy cocked his head to one side. "You wike bunny? Mommy fownd it upstaiws. I guess you can have it. I alweady have Mr.Fuzzy." He then left the girl's hiding place. The girl crawled out of the space. The boy was playing with a furry bear that had brown pants on. The bear seemed to be trying to have a party, but all the other guests were too small. The girl looked at Madi, then the bear, then the boy. He didn't seem mean. And Madi seemed to like him.

The girl decided to play with the boy. Mr.Fuzzy and Madi had a really good time together, as did the boy and girl. After a while, the boy asked for the girl's name. The girl had been alone for so long that she had forgotten her own name, so she borrowed her bunny friend's name.

"I-I'm M-m- Madi." The girl whispered. The boy smiled. "I'm-"


The boy's eyes widened. "Y-You have to hide. He'ww hurt you if you stay." The girl turned to him. "What abowt-"

"You better be in your room, boy!"

"Go!" The boy whispered. The girl nodded and fled to her room in the attic. She didn't hear anything that happened to the boy, but she had a feeling that the boy needed a friend more than ever.

Time passed. The girl did manage to leave her room and make sure the boy was okay. They played for a while, and even the boy's mommy thought Madi was nice. However, she looked at the bunny when she said it, not the girl. But every good time seemed to be ruined by the man's yelling and name-calling. Whenever the boy's mommy and the man yelled at each other downstairs, the girl and the boy hugged each other and cried.

After a long time of this, the house finally got quieter. The boy left the house a lot more and for longer. The girl started feeling lonely. Not that Madi bunny was a bad friend, but she just needed someone to talk to.

One day, she heard soft sniffles and cries. She drifted down to the boy's room to find him crying. She sat next to him. "What's wong?" the girl asked . The boy wiped his nose before crying, "D-daddy s-s-said he d-didn't w-want me and w-wanted to k-kiw me." The girl gasped. "That not wight! Daddies should never say that." The boy sniffled more. The girl turned to him. "You know what? Your daddy is a meanie-butt." The boy looked at her with wide eyes. "Mommy said not to say that!"

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