Part Seven: Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby

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Author's note:
Hi guys. Hope ya'll have been safe and healthy. This one is scandalous! Sorry for it being so late, but hope you guys like! Lemme know what ya'll think.

Rayna had went for a walk around London as lowkey as she could. She needed some air and some time to herself, admittedly so she entered a sweets shop. Hoping that chocolate could ease her mind.

The man at the counter, rang her up, and she kept her hat on her head. It was Harry's.

"Thank you," she said lowly as she unwrapped her chocolate in the street as she ate. Her headphones on, she had her grey fitted trench coat on, paired with some comfy walking ankle boots.

She wanted to feel normal again. She had wished for things to feel the way they used to. She munched on the chocolate as she sat on a bench, and watched the birds in the sky. The sun began to come out in the sky, and she noticed a man with his cellphone trying to be clever in his positioning of his phone.
Rayna sighed, and said fuck under her breath before stuffing her chocolate in her pocket and pulling out a cigarette instead.
Her sunglasses covered her eyes so she was thankful that he wouldn't get that great of a photo. But still, it frustrated her. When she would tell Harry this story, he had gotten very upset that she hadn't told him where she had gone to. And that right now it wasn't such a good idea to go out particularly alone at the moment.

She got up abruptly not wanting anyone to catch on too soon, so she walked the couple of blocks to her condo.

She draped her coat off, and hung it up along with her brain right now. She was so tired of thinking all the damn time. With the media on her ass, the potential of her and William's fling coming out in the media, Meghan bugging Harry, her unresolved feelings for Will. It got to be too much, and she poured herself some wine, and turned a record on.

She ignored her phone. Not wanting to see any notifications of the news. Not today, Satan.

That was thinking too soon, though. Because her phone rang. She didn't answer for a moment and just gazed upon it as if it were a foreign object to her.

"Oh, for christ's sake!" She huffed and answered her phone.

"Hello!" She ran her hair through her hand, and took another sip of wine.
"Hello?" She said once more.

Fucking hell.

She hung up, and was wondering if she was losing her damn mind.
I need more wine, she thought as she poured another glass.
Everything is too much, so what?
She began proofreading some of her poems that have built up over the past month or so. She noticed the stark difference between when William had entered her life again. And when he hadn't been in her life. They were warmer somehow, less icy. She saw a difference when she had got together with Harry. They were somehow more sweet and gentle. How he made her felt.

She began adding things here and there. It was almost ready to be published but she hadn't told anyone yet. Not even Harry. Things have been so weird lately energetically that she didn't feel the need to do so.

She was in the middle of doing her thing, when her phone rang. A restricted number. She rolled her eyes and let it ring, until she decided to answer it.


"Is this Rayna? Hi, please don't hang up, it's Meghan,"

Rayna instantly closed her laptop, and paid attention.

"What do you want?" Rayna already asked defensively.

Meghan chuckled devilishly,
"I just want to talk, that's all. We've never gotten the chance to speak one on one,"

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