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"What is it like?" Sidney Heathens asks, her eyes looking at her best friend, Fred Weasley.

"What's what like?" Fred scrunched his eyebrows, looking down at her.

"Being happy," she sighs, "truly, eternally happy." 

Fred lets out a small smile, patting her head like a small puppy, "It's like being with you, Heathen."


The Weasley Twins and Sidney Heathen were always best friends, being next-door neighbors and family friends. The twins were loud, lively, while she was the complete opposite. she was shy and reserved, and the closest thing to being happy for her was being with the twins.

The Weasley's had always had a soft spot for Sidney Heathen, Molly had considered her as a daughter of her own, and Ginny always thought of Sidney like an older sister she could talk about anything with. And for the most part, she loved the Weasley's too, for they were her safe haven. She never had a complete family. Not that she had a happy family anyway,  but The Weasley's felt so much more like home compared to her dull, depressing excuse of a home. 

Most days, she would be running around with the twins, chasing after them every time they stole her paintings away from her. She'd banter around with Ron, telling him how he was so charismatic that he would be breaking hearts without him even knowing. Sometimes she'd even stay the night and talk about the most random things with Ginny, who adored her so much. She'd give Arthur muggle things that her muggle aunt sends her, and he would collect these gifts like they were artifacts.

"Heathen!" she hears two familiar voices, making her snap out of her thoughts. it was Fred and George, jumping in the couch next to her. 

"What is it, trolls?" she jokingly asks, making them frown at her as she continues to paint in her empty parchment.

"Is that supposed to be me and Fred?" George asks, pointing at the painting she was so invested on the whole day.

"Gee, I didn't know it was that obvious!" she sarcastically replies, "How'd you know?"

"Easy! This lad," he points at one of the boys in the painting, assuming that it was George, "Looks exceptionally gorgeous." 

"Hey! What about me? we literally look alike?" Fred butts in, crossing his arms.

George and Sidney look at each other, and then at a pouting Fred, only to laugh at his face.

"Yeah, yeah, you're alright I guess." George says, making Fred roll his eyes.

"I thought you were on my side, Sidney!" 

"Not a chance, Frederick!" George replies, looking at the clock. the clock strikes at 3 pm, their family owl Errol making a grand entrance as a letter gently drops on George's hand before Errol hurt itself, accidentally hitting itself on the wall.

"Well, that's my cue!" George smirks and heads to his room, leaving both Fred and Sidney in the living room.

Sidney looks at George climbing the stairs, she was confused, why on earth would anyone send that boy a letter? that has got to be one of his admirers again. which is silly, because usually when he got one, Fred would as well, considering that both of them came in a pair, and they literally look like one another, so, who on earth could that be and why is Fred not included in it?

 Fred looks at the girl, wondering what she was thinking about, but shrugs it off. He knew that George had been talking to a girl from Ravenclaw, and that he was so smitten. He was happy for his twin brother, but this meant less time with him. finally. He jokingly thought.

As soon as George closes the door from his room, Fred surprises Sidney by engulfing her in a tight hug, making her tap his back profusely,

"can't...  breathe..." she whispers, making Fred laugh as he lets go of the hug, making her frown as she looked at the painting.

"What?" Fred asks, "Did I do something wrong?"

"The painting's ruined," she sighs,  looking at the mess on her table, different tints of watercolor spilled in her parchment.

"It's alright love," Fred cups her face, "You're still the best piece of artwork I could ever ask for."


"Sidney Heathen! Don't even think of considering going home right now, it's 9 pm and I know your parents arent going home until next week! stay here for the night, Ginny will gladly share her bed with you." Molly says, crossing her arms.

Molly knew Sidney was going to spend the whole week to herself, getting by with stale crackers and hot chocolate. She cared deeply for the girl, for her mother was Molly's childhood bestfriend. She was exactly like how her mother used to be, and seeing her reminded Molly of the good old days.

Sidney gives Molly a small hug and thanks her before Ginny could drag her to her room. at this point, Sidney basically lived in the burrow, she had a few clothes Molly had stored in her own small cabinet in Ginny's room, she even had the infamous Weasley sweater. She didn't complain though. She loved every bit of it.


As soon as the girls went inside Ginny's room, they started talking about the most random things, from stars, to books, Hogwarts, boys, more boys, and even more boys. Ginny had told Sidney that she felt something for someone, but she wasn't sure yet. Sidney listened to Ginny talk about the boy and smiled at the younger girl. Ginny sounded so happy it made her happy. she told Ginny that she wouldn't force her to tell her the details, but when she's willing and ready to talk about it with her, she would gladly listen. 

They had such a meaningful conversation that they didn't realize it was getting late, but Ginny eventually passes out, snoring softly, as Sidney tried to make herself comfortable. It was starting to rain, thunder roaring outside the window. She couldn't sleep. she was afraid of thunders, which she thought was annoying. she's literally a witch! she can do magic with her wand and there she was still afraid of thunders. 

The door softly creaks, making Sidney sit up only to see Fred Weasley looking at her.

"Couldn't sleep love?" he asks, making Sidney nod her head right away. a loud roar of thunder erupts, making her cover her eyes as she squeezed her eyes shut. "Alright, come here."

he offers her a hand and she gladly takes it. they both leave Ginny's room and head to the twins room. George was dead asleep, snoring away.  Sidney chuckles at the sight of a sleeping George Weasley in his natural habitat.

"Still reckon he's the better-looking twin?" Fred jokes.

Sidney rolls her eyes as they both lie on Fred's bed. Fred was softly playing with her hair, humming, slowly calming her down. she buries her head on Fred's chest as she slowly drifts to sleep.

I could get used to this, Fred thought, before drifting to sleep, himself.

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