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It was finally time to come back to Hogwarts. it was Sidney's 6th year, along with her favorite twins, who were not excited about preparing for N.E.W.T's at all. Unlike most students who brought their families with them at platform 9 ¾, hugging them goodbye and saying their I love you's to each other, Sidney Heathen was alone, like she always was. Her mom barely had the time to go home, there's not a chance she could make changes to her schedule, but Sidney understood. Her mother would send her a letter once her daughter arrives Hogwarts, telling her how sorry she is for not being able to say a proper goodbye and that she loved her nonetheless, and that if there's anything she could do for her or buy her for school to not hesitate and tell her. Serendipity Heather's love language was by spending money on her child, even when Sidney didn't ask for anything.

Sidney starts to wander off with her thoughts, wondering what was stored for her in her 6th year. What if I try to be more active this year? stop hiding and not let fear and anxiety consume me? she thought to herself. It was true, it was always fear and anxiety that stopped Sidney from doing the things she wanted to do. she didn't like the idea of disappointing people, and disappointing people is easy when you're already a disappointment.

"Heathen! There you are, love!" 

Sidney snaps out of her thoughts, seeing George Weasley walking up to her. she gives him a small smile and he returns it with a tight hug, lifting her off the ground. 

Sidney shrieks, "George Weasley! put me down!"

"It took me so long to find you, so no!" George replies as he carries her off her feet. "Let's get in the train, yeah?"

Sidney nods, looking at George who was struggling with his luggage, she laughs at the sight of this and tries to carry hers as well, to her dismay, her luggage was a bit heavy, making it hard for her to carry her luggage without looking like she was going to stumble and fall anytime soon. Fred, who was headed to both George and Sidney, took notice of this and laughed, swiftly taking Sidney's luggage with him. Sidney was thankful for this, giving Fred a small smile before they all headed to their compartment.

Soon enough, Lee and Angelina got inside their compartment too. Sidney wasn't exactly as close with them compared to the twins. Sidney always thought Angelina wasn't fond of her, but who was she kidding? She thought everyone hated her! In all honestly, she probably only thought that Angelina didn't like her because they literally never had an actual conversation for the whole 6 years they were studying in Hogwarts together. But Lee on the other hand was friendly with her and even gave her some of his candy from time to time. Sidney sat beside the window, not really listening to whatever the other four were talking about. she was looking at the raindrops hit the window, she liked the rain when it was peaceful. 

she feels someone squeeze her hand, making her look at the boy beside her. It was Fred, giving her a small smile. "Are you alright?"

Sidney nods her head, smiling back at him before looking back at the window.

"Alright, love," Fred replies, patting her head, messing up her hair.


It was moments after they had arrived Hogwarts in which Dumbledore introduced the Triwizard Tournament, and soon enough, it was what everyone was talking about. Fred and George smiled mischievously at each other as if they were talking telepathically. 

Sidney knew they were planning on doing something stupid. knowing them both, she knew that even if she tried her hardest, she wouldn't be able to persuade the boys to not do whatever they were thinking of doing. she frowned at the thought of the boys getting hurt, but shrugged it off as soon as bountiful of plates appeared on their table. The students dug in, eating dinner that was prepared by the house-elves. it was an understatement to say that the food was delicious. The students would be lying if they denied that they went to Hogwarts to study magic, but stayed in Hogwarts for the food.

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