Sam couldn't stop think about the unknown person she keep asking herself who this person was and why would they leave her a letter that's all she could think about for days she reread it over and over again trying to figure out if she was going to write back but she couldn't help but wonder if she could trust this person....,then her phone started ringing as she picked it up she could see that it was Leah "Hello" Sam said as she put the letter in her night stand "hey, me and Mary are going to the mall want to come with us?" Leah asked her Sam thought maybe this could get her mind off the letter "yeah"Sam said going in to her closet to find some clothes to wear "great we will be at your house in ten minutes" Leah said "okay see you then" the two girls said their goodbyes to each other as Sam was getting dress. Leah,Sam,and Mary was at the mall where they were look at different jewelry "we should get friendship bracelets" Leah said as she was looking at the different types of friendship jewelry "sure"Mary said as Sam agreed with her as they were looking at the bracelets "what are we eating for lunch" Mary said as they made the way to paid for there stuff "i want pizza or chinese food"Leah said as Sam was fine with either one but she knew she would end up picking where they ate because Mary and Leah could never agree where to eat even if they didn't care "let's have chinese, okay?" Sam asked her two friends who were already arguing about where to eat "fine"Leah and Mary said at the same time. As they made there way to the food court they bumped into someone "sorry, i didn't see you there"the random guy said to the three girls "that's alright, i'm Mary and this is Leah, and this is Sam" Mary said pointing to each girl as they said their name "well, i'm Tom" Tom said to the three girl's "well it was nice to meet you Tom but we are kinda hungry so we're gonna go bye" Mary said as the three girls walked off not waiting for his response "well that was kinda rude" Sam said to Mary as they walked to get chinese food "she's not wrong you were kinda rude to him" Leah said to Mary "sorry, but i was hungry you know how i get when i'm hungry" Mary said defensively "let's just get some food" Sam said not wanting to get in an argument. After the girls ate lunch they decided to go home. The two girls dropped Sam off at her house and said goodbye to each other as Sam got into her room she had remembered the letter that had been the reason she went out with her friends that day, as she thought about the letter she decide that she was going to write back just to see if she could find out who this person is because it was obvious this person knew who she was so she started writing her letter back to the mysterious person who knew stuff about her that no one else knew
Dear, Unknown person
How do you know who i'm? And why should i trust you when you won't tell me your name when you obviously know mine. If i won't tell my friends about something that happens to me or how i'm feeling why should i tell you a random person i don't even know, how i feel , i'm writing back because i'm curious not because i'm looking for a friend i already have two friends and i don't need more. Why do you care about me anyways not many people care about me just my friends. How do i know your not trying to trick me into spilling all my secrets just so you can use them against me. Why should i trust you?
The person you already know, Sam
As Sam finished up her letter back to the unknown person she could hear yelling down stairs and she knew her parents were home arguing about something useless this has been happening ever since her brother died he was the family's pride and joy he could do no wrong it sometimes mad Sam feel useless and the bullying at school didn't help but atleast she had a happy family she wanted that family back the family that would make cookies for christmas or the family that would sit by the tree on christmas eve and open one present before bed, or the family that would stay up and countdown to new years just so they can be together for the new year, Sam started to do things that made her not think of him but it never work she tried to snap a rubber band that was on her wrist but all it did was leave bruises on her wrist until she broke the rubber band all the things she tried and nothing ever worked so she stop causing herself pain even though when she was in pain she felt as if there was a weight left off her shoulders she liked feeling like she had no worries but she knew her brother would not have liked it so she stop, but when thing got bad she would slip and she would start inflicting pain on herself it what she knew to do when she was upset, angry, or bored but she would never tell anyone that, Sam was in mid thought when she heard something brake downstairs so she went to check it out as she went downstairs she could see all the broken glass on the floor and knew what happened so she turned to go back upstairs and go to bed. Sam woke up the next morning and got read for school, when she got to school she immediately went to the library to put her letter in the book to be found by the mystery person then she was on her way to meet her two friends and get through the school day.

The Anonymous Letters
Teen FictionThis story is not for the faint of heart this story is going to follow the life of a high schooler who wants to end it all, but when she receives anonymous letters she can't help but wonder who they are from.