This story is not for the faint of heart this story is going to follow the life of a high schooler who wants to end it all, but when she receives anonymous letters she can't help but wonder who they are from.
Cold and wet is how Sam felt when Katie and her friends dump their drinks on her in the middle of the cafeteria, the first day back and she already on Katie's bad side not that she wasn't already but she hoped that she could at-least get through the first week without having something dumped, or thrown at her but it could be worst she thought, Sam made her way to the bathroom to clean herself up. "Sam are you here" Leah had called out in the bathroom , She must have followed me thought Sam as she was trying to dry off in the stall "yep i"m here" Sam called out to her friend, her and Leah have been friends since pre-k "i saw what happen are you okay?" Leah said "well whatever they dumped on me is now in my pants but other then that, i'm doing fine" Sam said "i just wish someone would punch Katie in her dumb fac-" Sam interpreted Leah "no one is going to hit her because they either worship her or are scared of her" Sam knew no one would stand up to her but a girl can dream ."Leah, Sam you guys in here" Mary there other friend who the meet in elementary where Leah,Sam and Mary bonded over there hatred for Kat and her friends the three quickly became friends, "yes we're in here Mary" Sam told there other friend who had just come in " I got you some new clothes to wear i know you didn't bring any with you"Mary said as she gave Sam the clothes to change into "thank you what would i do without you" Sam said as she grabbed the clothes from her "you would be walking around in wet clothes" Mary said back to Sam with a little laugh. "hurry up we're going to be late" Leah had said as Sam exit the stall "i have to get my books from my locker i will meet you in class ok?" Sam said about to leave the bathroom "ok"Leah and Mary said as the left the bathroom. Sam had walked to her locker as fast as she could so she was not late to class when she opened her locker a letter fell out she picked it up and wonder who put it in her locker she had no time because the last warning bell had rung so she stuffed the letter back in the locker grabbed her books and ran to class as fast as she could without tripping she got there seconds before the late bell rung just in time she thought to herself as she sat in the back with her two friends, she couldn't help but wonder why someone had left her a note and did Katie and her friends have something to do with this but she had focused on the history lesson so she can pass this upcoming quiz. As class had ended she and her two friend went to there next class "what do you think miss, t will have to do today?" Mary asked her two friend as they walked to the gym "she will probably have us run laps because James and Katie were making out under the bleachers, again" Leah said "why can't she just make them run laps and not us" Sam said, Sam hated to run she was not athletic at all, the three friends made there way to the locker room and changed into there uniform, "well if it isn't the three trolls" Katie said with Sarah not far from her "what do you want Kat?" asked Mary "i just think Sam shouldn't eat she's looking a little big, don't you think Sarah?" Katie said as she look at Sam "yes she dose look bigger" said Sarah, Sam was always self concision about her body weight she ate sometimes and the things Katie and Sarah said made her think ending it all would be better then this but she would always remember she couldn't leave her family and friends "can you shut up, Sam is big she is skinny and if she was bigger she would still look amazing" Leah said as Mary looked ready to kill Katie and Sarah "whatever, you two should be her friend she's a useless nobody you guys could be friends with people who are more popular , like me" Katie said Mary lossed it and tackled her to the ground punching and pulling her hair as Katie was screaming on the floor and Leah and Sam trying to pull Mary off of her. "WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE" Miss,T had just walked in the locker room Leah and Sam had just got Mary off of Kat as she came in "she hit me all i was doing was was putting my shoes on" Kat said as she cried "bullshit, she was talking bad about Sam so, i has to show her that if she messes with Sam she messes with me" Mary said in a matter of fact tone " all five of you will be run laps all week got i?" Miss,T said as she looked at the five girls "yes Miss,T" all five girls said at the same time "good now you better start those laps" said Miss,T as the five girls left the locker room "this is your fault " Katie said in a angry voice as she pointed a finger at Mary "no this is your fault, if you hadn't talked bad about Sam i wouldn't of attacked you" Mary said back to Kat "whatever" Kat said as the girls started there laps. "Sam, do you need a ride home today?" Mary said as Leah got in to Mary's car "no, i got my car back this morning" Sam said holding up her keys to show Mary "okay well see you tomorrow then" Mary said to Sam " yeah see you guys tomorrow bye" Sam said waving bye at the two girls who waved bye to her also as Sam got into her car she remember the letter she got today she grabbed it out off her bag and opened it to read it.
You don't know me but i know what you've been through i see how people treat you and i know that you probably won't tell your friends because you don't want them to be worried about you,you keep to negative thoughts to yourself because you don't want to put that pain you feel on anyone else shoulders but i want you to know you are cared for and what ever thoughts you might be thinking you should have someone you can tell them too because that can be alot for someone to handle on there own so if you want i can be that person you can tell you darkest thought or your darkest fears too because i know what it's like to feel alone, and you can trust me and i know it seems unfair because i know your name but trust me it's so you feel safer think of me a dairy you can write all your hope,dreams,and fears into and no one can find them because they are with me safe and sound where no one can find them
from your real life diary,Unknown
p.s. if you write back leave a letter in the Greek mythology book in the library.
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