A New Beginning

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I'm walking down Diagon's Alley to Ollivanders to find my wand, with all my books at hand. The street smells faintly of Butterbeer and... smoke?? , wonder if there's a fire, there can't be, that would be highly coincidental considering my past experiences with fires. I walked in the shop that just carried the energy of stale old books and before me stood thousands of wands. A scrawny, old man came out from a pile of musty old books in the corner to greet me.

"Hello welcome to Ollivanders, how may I help you today?, I don't see many 4th years in here" the man says, both eagerly and equally confused. How did he even know I was 4th year? A bit creepy, is this man even cleared to be within 2 metres of children? I'll admit despite his crispy white hair that is completely messed up, there's something endearing about him.

"Hey, I just transferred and I've been told to get a new wand so here I am." My voice sounding shakier than I was used to, maybe I am nervous after all.

The man then turns around and walks down a dimly lit isle full of small, thin boxes piled together on shelves. He pulls out a box and hands me the wand that rested inside of it. The box read "phoenix feather core, 11', Birch wood" on its side. I held it in my hand and the man gestured to me to swish and flick. I pull my wrist back and throw it forward and the room suddenly gets dusty, pages from books lifting barely a centimetre of the ground. Well that's a great start isn't it [Y/N]?? You never fail to underwhelm do you? I carefully gave the man the wand back and he returned to the cramped isle.

He shortly returns with another small box and I take the wand from the purple velvet encasing. "10 1/2' inch fir wood wand with a unicorn hair core." He gestures to swish and flick again, pulling my wrist back hesitantly this time, spare books and pages levitate and swirl around me. I knew from my past experiences at Beauxbatons what happens when you find your wand, or when the wand finds you, and this fits the bill.

"Looks like you found what you came for!" He says excitedly, "Fun fact for you miss, anyone with a unicorn core wand has purity in their heart, even those who don't at first show it"

I smile faintly and hum a 'thank you', spinning around to leave the store, my eyes focus on my fresh new wand. I suddenly crash into a solid surface and drop all my books and wand. Merlin sake [Y/N]! now this is embarrassing. Please be a wall, please be a wall, oh stop kidding yourself, you know it isn't. Frantically picking up my stuff, I look up to apologize and meet the eyeline of boringly ordinary grey-blue eyes. Eyes that are currently drawn into a sneer.. at me?! You know what, fuck your apology.

"Watch it, do you even know who I am, you filthy mudblood?" he scoffed. Asshole

I didn't even bother to open my mouth to say anything. I ignore him while I finish picking up my dropped books. Once I noticed that I had everything back in my arms, I got up and left him. No goodbye or anything, no words spoken. I just left him standing there. Choke on those lack of fucks, I dare you

"Wait 'til my father hears about this!" he yells into the empty air. aha pathetic little boy, I don't even bother to look back. He's worth my time or my energy.

I make my way further down the alley. It's bustling, lots of people eagerly going to shops or standing to the side talking with other people. I stop at a small shop, the sign read 'The Three Broomsticks', I have no idea what it is but there are people going in and out so I thought I'd check it out myself.

When I walk in, there's so many people sitting at tables and a few people at the bar. They're talking loudly and drinking. They're a boisterous lot aren't they. After struggling to find an empty booth I eventually spot one, making my way to sit. I set my books and wand on the table in front of me, and await for somebody to take my order.

"How may I help you miss?" says a tall, lanky man. He pulls out a pad and pen waiting for me to say something.

I'm at a loss for words because I have no idea what they even have to eat or drink here. How could I forget I'm still a stranger to this place. "I uhh maybe I'll have am I" at this point I wish the ground would open up and swallow me.

"She'll have a butterbeer and so will we!" a girl says behind the man. Oh thank Merlin. He turns to look at her and her friend and nods his head as he writes on his notepad.

The girl and her friend make their way to the opposite side of the booth and sit. I look at them and wait for somebody to say something first to break the awkward silence.

"Hi! You must be new here, I haven't seen you around and I'm good with faces," she says, "I'm Hermione Granger and this here is Ginny Weasley" she remarks as she points to the red haired girl next to her. Ginny gives a shy wave.

"Hello, I'm [Y/N] and yes, I am new here" I say shyly.

The waiter slides the butterbeers onto the table. Hermione and Ginny chug their drinks and I just look at mine.

"Well go on," Hermione says, "It tastes good, you'll like it!"

Trusting her judgement I take a sip of the beverage before me. I was shocked at how good it actually was. Although for something named Butterbeer, there isn't actually any beer in it, that is... slightly disappointing, I won't lie. Hermione and Ginny finish their Butterbeer before me, but we all put the empty glasses at the end of the table for the waiter to clean up.

I go to grab my books off the table to get ready to leave, desperate to avoid awkward conversations but Ginny starts conversation.

"So where are you from [Y/N]?" she asks

"I'm from [Y/city]" I say back.

"Well what are you doing here in London?"

"Oh, I'm a transfer from Beauxbaton Academy of Magic" I reply back, please don't ask girls, I'm begging you

They both nod their heads in understanding and I give them a light smile. Hermione and Ginny start to discuss Hogwarts, I'm in awe. This new school is starting to sound more and more exciting than what I'm expecting. We talk for hours, which felt like minutes, and they even offer to show me around the school when we arrive for the new school year. My first day in a new city for a new school and I have already made two great friends. We gather our things and walk back out to Diagon Alley and they show me around the rest of the shops and they show me good study spots and good hangout spots to go with friends too.

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