chappie 7

330 18 1


(Harrys POV)

A throbbing pain in my head caused me to attempt to open my eyes but they're like heavy cinder block.  Why the fuck does my head hurt so bad, I reach my hand up and feel a bandage over the top of my head, da fuk is this.  Finally gaining enough strength to open my eyes i look around and see i'm in an unfamiliar room and I quickly stand up regretting it as soon as i made the decision as black over comes my vision and i fall with a loud thud and grone.

"Are you ok!!"  a deep husky voice asks and it takes me a second to recongnize it.  Alll the memories hit me at once with a blinding force.  "zayn!" i almost yell out to him before backing away into a corner.  Then the most unexpected words i ever expected him to say slipped past his moist soft lips.  "I won't hurt you I promise" Zayn whispers out. 

Can you believe it he's saying he won't hurt me! "Why should i believe you! You've tortured me everday since you met me and I still have no fucking idea why! I never did anything to you!" I rant out quickly suprising myself with the force and volume I used beofre quietly ducking my head back to myself.  I mean the is my bully the person who has tortured me ever since I met the damn boy!

With a sigh Zayn slowly begins to walk twords me and I start to back up.  No no no no no he's gonna hurt me! "Please don't hurt me!" i whimper out covering my face with my hands in a blocking way. I feel a warm hand stroke my cheek and heated sparks fly through my body.  "I said I would never hurt you ever again.  Ever." Zayn says with so much determination in his voice I can't help but believe him.  

I can't believe zayn's a... a... werewolf....  even the word seems weird and odd. Hell what am I saying being a werewolf is odd!  "W-what happened?" I stutter out, way to go Harry you would start stuttering again.  "Well you know the running and my chasing and then I pounced on you and you hit your head on the ground causing all the spots on your head start to bleed and swell up...." he pauses almost as if not wanting to say the rest.  "What is it Zayn what else happened!" I pleade wanting to know. "i um i had to bite you.... I lost you for a second and werewolfs can heal instantly and the only way to make you a werewolf is to bite you..." The silky black haired boy finishes.

Holy cheese balls! I'm a werewolf! As if reading my thoughts the deep voice belonging to zayn says "yes you're a werewolf now" I can't believe it... "wait i thought werewolfs had like super sensitive smelling and hearing and could run fast and all the jazz" I say confused.  I feel as normal as ever like nothing ever changed except for the numb burn in my neck where the bite must be.  "Well that is true but to be a 'full werewolf' you must go through the mateing process with your mate if bitten".  What is a mate? I ask myself and yet again almost like he was reading my thoughs zayns answers my unspoken question "A mate is your other half someone who you are destened to be with your sole mate"  Ohhhh so like love at first sight this is sooo cool!

How do you know who your mate is though, what if I never find him or her! what if I just have to live with the horrible bite mark for the rest of my life and never find my other half.  Strong arms knock me out of my throughs and the sparks that are sent through me automatically tell me who is it "no need to worry angel you already have your mate... right beside you." He whispers the last part.  No way this... this boy thing is my mate! "you can't be! you hate me!" i yell struggling to get out of his grip.  My struggling is stopped by a pair of warm wet lips that make my body start to melt and my heart start to flutter.  

"Sorry to dissapoint but it's true i'm your mate.... and we just did step three of the mating process" woahhhh wait the what? "the mating process is a 6 step process first is talking very simple then comes physical contact, 3rd is kissing, 4th my mark while you're conscious, 5th is intamincey meaning i make you climax 4 and 5 kind of go hand in hand, and finaly the day after 5th step you go into heat and with heat you basically become really horny and we make passionate love making you forever mine." He finishes his long explanation. 

Oh my... we're on step 4....I don't want to be marked again yet.... I just found all this out! i begin to freak out starting to get worried.  "Baby calm down i will wait as long as you want sweetheart." Few that had me worried for a second but of coarse he has to ruin it by adding the horrible but.. "but... On the full moon I won't be able to resit you and will have to mate you" Zayn adds sounds sorry for having to do it.  Aww the poor thing I can't hate him for not having a choice "it's okay zayniepoo" I say leaning up to him and kissing his warm lips and I feel the all familiar spark fly through my body. 

His tongue slides across my bottom lip and i moan out letting him in immediately.  Our tongues flight for dominance but of coarse he wins, moaning again as i feel him slide his hands up my sides but he pulls away and i whimper.  "Noooooo soo gooddd" I whine out but realize what I had done and turn cherry red.  Zayns chuckles cause me to become even redder "it's ok baby no need to be embarrassed I felt the same way but with you moaning like that I may not have been able to hold myself back..." and with this i blush even hard as Imagine zayns long... hard... "Hazza?" he brings me out of my dirty thoughts.  

"You were thinking dirty wernt you?" god can I get any redder?!?!? "You were!!! But it's ok i've been thinking about you everything i give myself a little please you know" fuck just the thought of his large hand wrapped around his thick member drove me absolutely insaine "what do you do this to me" I whine out covering my face with my hands.  

"No baby let me see that adorable face so i can kiss it" Zayn says seductively then pulling my hands away from my face and kissing my passionaely. "will you be mine" He asks and I nod frantically kissing him again but with twice the passion and my badage on my head falls off as he runs his fingers through my hair.  I wince expecting pain but felt quite the opposite.  "Baby? who left all those horrible spots on your head?" The conserning voice of zayn asks and I feel tears fill my eyes, "i-it was Perrie..." then in the blink of an eyes Zayns out of my sight leaving a deathly growl behind.  

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