Writers Block

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Niall's Pov

I was starting to write new songs for my new solo album. My second solo album. The Flicker Album was a hit but I have to write two new singles and a whole new album now. I started writing the first song but I had written myself to the point of having writer's block and no idea what to write next. I sat there for a few minutes before I decided I would go out and have a pint. I wrapped up in a coat and hat and a scarf. Not only for the purpose of not being recognized but for warmth as well. I grabbed my keys and my wallet and my cell phone and put them in my pockets as I walked out of my London home. I shut my door and as I turned around to lock it my eyes landed on an infant car seat on my porch. I walked closer to it and inside it was a tiny slumbering baby girl, who couldn't have been more than 2 months old. I picked the car seat up and a note fluttered out and landed on the floor next to a full changing bag and a travel cot. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and unlocked my front door and took the baby inside and put her down, still in her car seat on my island, before grabbing all of the other things that were left with her including the note. I put the travel cot in my bedroom, knowing that I wasn't going to give this little girl to some foster family who wouldn't love her like I would, I had already made the decision to keep her and raise her before I had read the note. I took her out of the car seat and held her in my arms and grabbed the note off my counter. I sat down on my couch and unfolded the note. "To whoever finds this note with my daughter, I never got a chance to name her so she is yours to name. I had to get her away from her abusive father and my husband. All I ask is that you raise her as yours and tell her about me. My name is Grace Messner. I am 25 and I love her so much that I knew the only way to keep her safe was to give her to someone I knew would take care of her. Someday you can tell her what really happened to me and who I am and about her father. Please just make sure she knows I loved her very much. In her changing bag are a months supply of nappies and wipes and baby milk and her bottles. She has the most necessary items in that bag. I also left the travel cot for her too, which you probably already know if you're reading this. You'll have to get her anything else you don't already have, from the list below. I also put some frozen pouches of my breast milk in the bag for you to use, for at least a few days. My favorite outfits I had for her are in the bag as well but you'll need to buy more. Thank you for taking my baby girl in and keeping her safe. Things you'll need to purchase- Bottle warmer, nappy genie, cot, changing table, cot mattress and mattress pad, sheets, bumpers, snuggle nest( for when you want to put her in bed with you.), bathtub, bath towels, baby shampoo and body wash, nappy rash cream, teething pain relief gel, baby monitor, mobile, bassinet, blankets for swaddling and holding her in, burp cloths, baby food, puree pouches, puffs, more formula and nappies and wipes, more bottles, pajamas, socks, and booties, hats, bows, mittens, teething rings and mittens, a playmat and/or gym, swing, bouncer, glider, bookshelf and books to go in it, wall decals, wipe warmer, gas drops, baby laundry detergent, a buggy, a nappy backpack, a carrier or sling, and a changing pad you can put in the changing bag for those times when you have to change her on the floor or in the backseat of the car, dummies(get as many as you can get because you'll lose those things real fast and won't find them until she's in kindergarten), a dummy sterilizer, a bottle sterilizer, baby gates(because you might as well have them that way you don't have to get 'em later, thermometer(get the dummy thermometer), a health and safety kit, a shopping cart cover, a white noise machine( one for home and one for on the go), a night light, swaddle wraps, and a dresser, a car seat cover,and a humidifier. Now there are other things you'll need to get later on, but everything you need now is on this list. Again, Thank you so much for taking my daughter in. Sincerely, Grace." 'Holy shit! That is a lot of things for a such a tiny human being. Well I guess we need to go shopping and there's no time better than the present." I said to myself as I put her back in her car seat which thankfully was still connected to the base and then realized I should probably change her nappy before we leave, so I got her back out and laid her on my couch with a towel under her and changed her nappy easily and she didn't even cry. I snapped her jumper back together and put her in the car seat again, before I put my scarf and hat and jacket back on and grabbed the changing bag, after removing the excess items and zipping it back up.

Hello you crazy mofos! I'm finally writing a Niall fan fic, that I will finish writing this time. I hope you take a "chonce" on this fic and keep reading it. I am planning on posting the next update in a little over an hour. Also I may go through and change some things so make sure you reread from the beginning so you don't end up totally confused. I am also trying to use the terms for things that Irish and English speakers use and some stuff is going to be totally off and if you want to correct me and let me know what I got wrong and maybe even be my personal translator, I would be forever grateful. AKF! Lots of love. 

- Ry XX

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