Just a regular guy

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——-Thursday 6:00 AM———

My mum and step dad helped me pack and we said our good byes and began the 15 minute journey to my house. Once we got there security was called off and given a picture of Morgan and her security questions and the answers to them and a description of her car in order to make sure it's actually her. I found Fiona's room completely finished and it looked perfect. Fiona Grace Horan was spelled out with big wooden letters painted white, on the wall behind her crib. The walls were painted an olive green color and there were music notes and gold four leaf clover decals floating on them. The secret was that the notes were the chorus of Little Things. Her crib was a sand wash color as well as her dresser which had a changing table topper. Her glider was white and she had a mirror over her dresser painted white that had a decal over it that said "Mirror, Mirror on the wall..." There was a bookshelf the same color as her dresser and crib filled with books and trinkets. A real tiara sat on top of a wooden stand on top of the bookshelf . It was perfect for my little princess. All of her clothes and shoes were put away neatly in her closet and dresser drawers. Her changing table topper had little compartments for diapers and wipes and diaper rash cream and baby powder and little toys to keep her busy. All in all it was simple but perfect for my little princess.

__Thursday 8:00 am __

I watched as a black midsize sedan pulled into the top part of my drive way. I glanced at the baby monitor only to do a double take when I noticed Fiona was up and smiling. I sprinted to her room and picked her up before changing a wet diaper and redressing her. I swaddled her and placed her in the bassinet that sat in the living by the couch just as the doorbell rang. I looked out the peep hole to see a nervous looking girl with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. She had naturally red hair and sparkling ocean blue eyes.  I opened the door and she looked taken aback but kept her composure. "Morgan, I know you know who I am, but you don't know who this is." I wrapped an arm around her and led her over to the bassinet that Fiona was laying in. "Woah! When did you get married and knock someone up?" "I didn't get married or knock someone up. She was left on my doorstep by her mother who was on the run from Fio's abusive father. So I took her in and decided to keep her." "Fiona. I like it. I promise I won't take any pictures without your permission and I definitely won't post them ever. I don't want to expose Fiona or you to anymore scrutiny than you already go through." "You are amazing. Pick a movie or two out and I'll go get the popcorn and Fizz." "I didn't know if you would want it or not but I got Nando's and Candy." "Are you crazy? Nando's is my favorite restaurant. Thank you!" "Well I didn't know with all the rumors you've been debunking on twitter lately." "Did it really look like I was crying in that one video?" "Yeah. A lot of that sympathy towards you came from fans who were saying that the band would have been better if you quit and that nobody would care if you did." "Seriously? I heard maybe one or two fans say that but that many?" "Well funny story, I was good friends with these twins and one of them wasn't as nice as she always seemed and one day she told me she thought you should quit the band because nobody would care. That was the moment that I became a fan of yours. I started defending you without a clue about who you even were. I grew up in America with my two absolute best friends living next door to me. They were brothers, same age difference as you and Greg. We practically lived outside on our trampolines. I never told them about becoming a fan of One Direction when I did because they would have teased me for it in a brotherly fashion. I mean they teased me about the two year old Belgian boy I kissed when I was two and my parents took me all over Europe along with my Gran. We went to Belgium, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Wales, and of course the greatest country on earth, Ireland. The little boy's name was Louie and they would pull my pig tails or as I would call them Boo Tails. My dad called them that before I did. My Disney Pixar movie growing up was Monster's Inc and oddly enough I never dressed up as Boo." "You talk a lot when you're nervous. It's cute." "Thank you. I just- Meeting you has been the one dream of mine I never thought would happen. I was never one of those rich kids with the huge houses on the cul-de-sac surrounded by other rich kids that got Meet and Greet tickets for every concert they went to. Those people kind of piss me off because they know those of us with less money than them would have given anything to meet the people they meet and they go and get meet and greets to see the same people every year. Like they were trying to make sure that the artists would remember them. I honestly was good with knowing you knew I existed and appreciated your music and supported you. You don't know how unbelievably happy you made me when you liked that first comment of mine on Tik Tok and replied to it too. I don't like to tell celebrities like yourself or Shawn Mendes for example that I love them because to me that's weird because I don't know Shawn personally and I don't really know you personally either. I always think it's a little creepy that little 12 year olds who just joined the One Direction fandom are commenting on your tweets that they love you, because they see you as the cute little goofy bleach blonde Irish boy in One Direction not Niall Horan, the more serious naturally brown haired Irish singer and songwriter with two incredibly successful solo albums under his belt, like those of us who have been in the fandom for years. Which after what happened on Twitter, I no longer want to be apart of anymore." "I can understand that better than anyone Morgs and I would do the same thing if I was in your shoes. That's why I don't tweet anything about the band or the boys anymore unless I'm debunking a rumor." "I didn't leave the fandom completely though. I still keep up with everything and get every tweet about new evidence proving Larry Stylinson is real. Which I know it's not and it's probably a big part of why Harry and Louis don't want to end the hiatus yet. I mean you and Liam are both ready to end it." "I feel bad for Liam with all the hate for giving fans false hope. The thing is though he and I both asked Lou and Harry if they were ready earlier that week before Liam went Live on Instagram and they had said he could get the rumor spreading through the fandom but the Larries got so bad that week they couldn't deal and that's why Lou threatened to egg Liam's house." "I like to think you'll make a comeback like the Backstreet Boys did. You know what I mean?" " That would be lovely if I could find a woman who won't cheat on me but also won't freak out and scream in my ear while I'm trying to eat." "There are some of us who know that you and most other celebrities are people just like us and that you just want to be treated like a normal person." "Thank you. I needed to hear that. I really wish I could go out in public without having to worry about the camera's and the crazy stalker fans and the fame like I'm just a regular guy. I have had fans tackle my body guards to try and get to me. I just wish I could get through to all the fans and tell them that I'm a person too and my life may seem perfect but it's not all that it's made out to be." "I wish I could say that I get it and I know what you mean, but I don't." "Trust me after you get home you might want to lay low for awhile." "Gotcha. Now go get the popcorn and fizz. The Nando's and Candy are in here in my small insulated cooler that I brought." "Be back in a sec. All my movies are over there in that cabinet or you can look on Netflix or Hulu or Disney+." "Meet you on the couch?" "Until we meet again." I responded. She giggled and it was the sweetest sound that had ever graced my ears.

A/N: Welp. I'm a leave y'all on a bit of a cliffhanger. Do you guys like the name Morgan or should I change her name? Also I want to stress the importance of the fact that Niall is a regular person just like you and me that chose to make a career out of sharing his passion for music with the world. I have nothing against rich people who live on cul-de-sacs. Or people who aren't rich that live on them too. "Lots of Love and I'll see you soon!"

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