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Hey loves! I am excited to continue writing this story! I'm pacing myself in order to keep myself from getting writers block really early. Please enjoy!
Ry Xx

Niall's POV

I drove humming Little Things quietly so as not to wake my little princess. I looked back to check on her and she was still fast asleep. I made a mental note to give her a pacifier in the car next time. I turned off on me mum's road and drove up to her house and pulled in the driveway. Her car was there as was Chris's and another car. "Shit! I hope she doesn't have someone I don't know over for dinner and dear lord I hope they didn't have daughters and bring them with them because I was in deep shit if so and so was my Princess." I thought to myself. I decided to call and see who it was before I went in. It rang twice before she picked up. "Nialler!" "Hey Mum, I am in your driveway. Who else is there?" "Damnit! Stay in the car. We have to get these two girls and their parents out the door. Go drive around the block and come back in like 5 minutes." "Mum, I have a surprise by the way." "Can't wait honey. Now unless you want to be mobbed by two 23 year old girls I suggest you pull out of the driveway!" "Bye!" I hung up and backed out of the driveway and drove around the block for about 5 minutes. When I got back the other car was gone. I pulled in and got Fiona out and realized she needed a diaper change so I pulled the changing pad out of the diaper bag with a diaper and wipes and her tutu and bow and shoes. I changed her diaper and put her leggings back on and put her tutu on after. I slid the little headband down onto her sweet little head being careful not to touch her soft spot and then put her adorable little shoes on her feet. I grabbed her blanket and put her back in her car seat and pulled the car seat cover back down and closed the back door of my car and locked it for the time being. I began the walk up to the front door. I sighed when I reached the door. I raised my knuckle and knocked quietly. "Hi Nia-." My mum stopped when she saw the infant car seat I was carrying. "Hi mum. Surprise!" "Niall who's baby is that?" "Mum, she's mine. Let me put her down so I can go get our things and bring them in and then I'll explain everything." "O-okay." I walked in and placed her on my mum's island and hugged my mum and stepdad before going back out to get the rest of Fiona and I's things. I got it all inside and took it into mum's guest bedroom before coming back out into the living room. Me mum looked at me expectantly so I went and grabbed Fiona off the island and brought her into the living room. I sat on the floor and pulled the car seat cover up. My mum gasped and my stepdad just smiled. "Niall, explain this cutie." "I had an awful case of writers block trying to write a song earlier this afternoon and thought well I'll go out for a pint and I walk out my front door and there she sat in her car seat. Her mum was on the run from Fiona's abusive father and she left her at my door hoping I would keep her and raise her instead of taking her to child protective services and having her put in foster care. I couldn't give this little girl up." "Niall do you understand how big of a responsibility a baby is?" My mum asked me. "Of course I do. I wouldn't have decided to raise her if I thought I couldn't do it." I told her. "Okay. I'm here for you if you need me Ni." My mum told me. "So what's Fiona's middle name?" "Grace. After her mum." I told her. "Fiona Grace Horan. It's perfect." My mum replied. "Just like my little princess herself." I said with a smile.

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