For your eyes only I show you my heart

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A/N: I decided that I'm not going to change her name because I've already published five chapters and it would confuse the heck out of people if I changed her name. Not that very many people have been reading this though. On that note please read and review. I want feedback because I don't get much because not many people read my fics and if they do read any of them it would most likely be my Limlendez fic or my Mondler fic. Which reminds me I need to write and publish two updates for each of my fics on here today. I might do more than two, just depends on if I am able to knock my writers block on some of them. I may end up rewriting some because I think that might be why I am having so much trouble updating some of them, I just don't know if there's any more I can write with some of them the way they are written at the moment. If anybody wants to beta some fics for me send me a message. I want someone to read over them for me and give me feedback and tell me what I need to fix. Anywho... Back to the story!

Morgan's POV

I'm so happy right now I could cry. I'm living my biggest dream. He's so much more than what you get on Twitter or Instagram or Tik Tok. I feel like I've known him my entire life. The fact that he took Fio in without hesitation is so selfless. He deserves someone that doesn't want him for the money and fame. He deserves someone who wants him for him the real him. Not some watered down version of him that is fake. I didn't want to be one of those fans who screams at their favorite celebrities when they meet them and all I had to do was remember that he's just a regular guy and he doesn't want to be treated like he's anything but a regular guy. I went over to the cabinet he told me the movies were in and immediately I saw a movie that was still wrapped in plastic. Then I thought "Why watch two movies when we could binge watch a tv show together?" I noticed he had some series box sets and was excited to find Castle. (A/N: If you haven't seen it, you're missing out. Also if you have seen it, check out Rylexis fan fiction on FFN. Those fics are so good! Also check out a Caskett fic called 2 Weeks.) I pulled the whole series out and laid each season out across the coffee table when Fiona began to fuss. I picked her up and smelled her instantly. "You need your nappy changed don't you,you little stinker. Let's go get you cleaned up and in a nice clean nappy." I cooed. I walked through the kitchen with her in my arms being fussy. "Ni, where's Fio's nursery? She needs changed." "I can change her. You don't need to to do that." "I want to Ni. I promise I would never ever do anything to her or you. Being here with you right here, right now is a dream come true and I would be stupid to do anything to ruin it. Heck Niall, I'd protect her from the paparazzi even if it meant exposing myself in order to do so." "You are amazing. C'mon I'll let you change her nappy and then give you the grand tour." I followed him to a beautiful but simple nursery that was fit for a princess. His princess. "Niall, this is a beautiful nursery." "Thanks I designed it myself. Do you read music?" "I do. I actually play the guitar and piano myself." "Read each note starting with this note here on the left hand side of the room." I hummed the notes from left to right and giggled softly. "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if it's true it's you, it's you they add up to and I'm in love with you and all your little things." Any other fan would have passed out right then, but I'm not any other fan. "You are the best dad Niall. She's lucky to have such an amazing father." "Thank you, but I'm the lucky one M." I smiled and put Fiona on the changing table gently and that was when I realized that we were going to have to cut her onesie off, because she had shit all the way up her back . "Hey, Ni, she's shit all the way up her back. We are going to have to cut this sucker off." "I'll get a pair of scissors. We'll have to give her a bath to get it out of her forking hair." "Forking Niall? Really?" "I'm trying not to curse so much but I'm Irish so it's been a challenge. I still say shit and shite though. You wanna know where I got the idea to say forking instead of flipping or freaking?" "The Good Place, because they can't curse there it comes out as for example fork or forking or forked and shirt. That show is hilarious. You remember the episode where Janet's system is acting up causing her to act crazy?" "That's one of my favorite episodes so far," he paused and just stared at me looking me straight in the eye, "Um, I'll just go get a pair of scissors and get her bath ready in the kitchen sink if you want to grab a nappy and some wipes and a clean onesie or pajamas and a clean blanket and meet me in there that would be lovely." He cleared his throat and left to go to the bathroom and grab her bathtub and Johnson and Johnson Baby Shampoo and Body wash and a wash cloth. I grabbed a small green empty plastic container and put a nappy, the whole wipe container as it was almost empty anyway and needed to be refilled, a pair of cute little penguin footie pajamas and then I remembered that I had forgotten to take the sweetest little onesie that said "I found my prince his name is Daddy" on it that I bought for my friend who was pregnant and having a baby shower next week out of my purse, but I think she'll understand if I put it on Fiona and surprise Niall. I left it in my purse so I could take Fiona in the living room and put the onesie on her where Niall wouldn't be able to see me put it on her. I put a cute little Captain America blanket in the bucket type container and a pacifier with Niall's face on it. Then I decided to put a pair of leggings in there to put on over the onesie so her chunky little legs wouldn't get cold. I grabbed the plastic bucket of sorts and Fiona and went to the kitchen. When I got there Niall had her bath ready to go in the sink and scissors on the counter. I put the bucket on the other side of the sink and handed Fiona to him and had him hold her up so I could cut the onesie off by cutting the sides of it open. Once I finished cutting the front fell off but the back of it stayed in place. "Ewww, you're gonna have to peel it off!" Niall said like a little kid. I grabbed a paper towel and grabbed the edge of the back of the onesie and gently peeled it off after putting another paper towel under her hair to keep it from getting in the mess on her back. I put it in the plastic grocery bag the front side was in and grabbed a wipe and used it to wipe her back off and threw it in the bag. I gingerly unfastened her nappy and put it in the same grocery bag before grabbing a shite load of wipes and cleaning her cute little bum off while listening to Niall's gags the whole time. I threw the last wipe in the bag and tied it off took Fiona from Niall and said "Would you be a dear and take that out to the trash bin outside while I bathe her?" "I guess." He picked the bag up and held it as far away from himself as possible and walked out the door. "Alrighty little one, you wanna surprise your Daddy?" She babbled as I bathed her and rinsed her off. I got her out and dried her off and put a clean nappy on her and took the tub of stuff from her nursery to the living room with me. I grabbed the onesie out of my purse, which thankfully I had already washed with baby detergent, and pulled it over her head and snapped the snaps and put the leggings on over her legs and butt and it worked out perfectly, leaving all the words on the onesie visible. I put a pair of socks on her and put her in her walker and rolled her into the nursery, grabbed a bow headband that matched the onesie and put it on her and rolled her back out into the kitchen just as Niall walked back in the door. "Ugh. That was disgusting. I gotta wash my hands and then I'll meet you two in the living room." He went to the kitchen sink and washed his hands really well and dried them. He walked back into the living room and finally noticed the onesie I had put on Fiona. "Look at you, princess. In my new favorite onesie. M, where did you find that?" "My friend asked me to make it for her but I don't think anyone else's daughter would make it look as good as Fiona does. Plus my friend won't mind considering I gave it to you." "Thank you! I looked for a onesie that said what this one says and couldn't find one anywhere. You are the best Morgs." He wrapped me up in a Horan hug and I let myself internally freak out just this one time. He let me go and we ended up standing so close I could feel his breath on my lips. In his eyes I could see the fears and insecurities eating away at him. I did the only thing I knew would stop him from being scared and insecure, I closed the gap, pressing my lips to his softly giving him the option to stop if he wanted to. Next thing I know he's cradling my head and his lips are moving against my own. I opened my mouth and his tongue found mine. He broke away for half a second and said "God." before kissing me again and breaking away again. "You're" He pecked my lips once more "so" another peck, "fucking" more kisses "Perfect." He broke apart and rested his forehead against mine. "Niall, I'm far from perfect." "God Morgan, No you're not. You're not just perfect, you're so fucking perfect." "Niall, every boyfriend I've ever had has dumped me because I wasn't pretty enough, ghosted me and cheated on me, or just wanted to sleep with me." "Morgan, those shite heads were so fucking stupid to break your heart. You are perfect just the way you are." "Niall, you can say that I'm perfect all you want but that doesn't mean I'm going to believe it." "Well, you're perfect to me ." I grinned like an idiot and he did too. "Can I take you out on a date sometime Morgan?"

A/N: It's a rare cliffhanger! I say rare because I rarely leave my readers on cliffhangers. In fact I think this might be the fourth or fifth time I've ever done it. Now when I mention actual tv shows in a story it's usually because it's one of my favorites, Castle is probably my favorite show ever. I just started The Good Place so that's why I referenced an episode in season 1. Janet is my favorite character on the show. Look for other references to other tv shows in future chapters and see if you can identify what show the reference is from. I may be updating more than once a day because my dad has Covid-19 and I am almost done with finals and have a lot of time on my hands because I can't drive and other than one place I really don't have anywhere else I want to go. Keep my dad and I in your thoughts and prayers(if you are religious) this week. Love y'all and wear your masks! 



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