Chapter 10

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I tried to focus on the novel in front of me, attempting to sustain any memory of what I just read on the previous page, but it was no use. No information from the previous chapter was actually retained in my brain, because my mind single-handedly decided it should instead put its energy into thinking about last night. My efforts to erase those thoughts were in vain, and my mind just kept racing with only one place to go.

There is absolutely no way that Kaoru and I would actually ever go on a date. Just no way.

I got up and started to pace around my room, my book long forgotten.

I'm sure that peck on the head was nothing. He was just in a weird mood, maybe Sadaharu slipped him something weird while we were eating. Something that made him act like that...

The pattering of my bare feet on the hardwood floor quickened. My forehead crinkled in deeper confusion, knowing that idea was utterly ridiculous. That obviously wasn't it.

Yeah, I'm sure that's it. That has to be it.

My face heated up while thinking about Phil's reaction to the events he witnessed last night. At this point, any excuse I could come up with to ease my anxiety and lower my heart rate would suffice, no matter how far fetched. Although, while thinking of those excuses was crucial for my mental well-being, there was another important issue that needed to be addressed.


I'm so hungry.

My stomach churned painfully, refocusing my attention to its complaints instead. I hadn't eaten all morning for fear of going downstairs and facing the further humiliation my brothers had prepared for me. Knowing that they weren't going to give it a rest, I locked myself inside my bedroom, hoping to shield myself from any emotional damage that was bound to come from their relentless teasing. But the pain in my stomach just kept getting worse, and the more I thought about it, the idea of calming it down seemed to outweigh the threat of embarrassment.

Eventually, I gave into one of nature's most powerful survival instincts, and I made my way over to my door, slowly opening it and stepping out into the hallway. I cautiously tiptoed down the stairs with the glimmering hope that if I was quiet enough, they wouldn't notice me and I'd be able to grab a snack and scurry my way back upstairs unscathed.

How foolish of me to think so, for the second I walked into the kitchen, I saw the very group of troublesome young men I was hoping to avoid seated at the table, eating lunch without a single care in the world. Kota slowly nibbled at his food with his face shoved in a book. Adam and Kai stuffed their faces as fast as they possibly could, while Phil told them to slow down or they'd choke, and Kyo loomed over his plate protectively to discourage any sticky fingers (specifically Kai's or Adam's) from stealing off of it.

They haven't noticed me yet!

I continued to tiptoe to the stove where the pot of curry was, and the rice maker next to it. As gently as I could, I scooped up a hearty helping of rice and plopped it onto my plate. It ended up being louder than I intended, and my heart sank to my stomach as I turned my gaze over my shoulder to make sure that the boys still hadn't noticed me. Thankfully, they hadn't. However, after serving myself some curry, my butter fingers let go of the ladle too fast, sending it clamoring back into the pot, promptly catching the attention of my brothers. Silence ensued.

I maintained eye contact with them, hoping that if I stared at them long enough I could establish dominance and they'd leave me alone.

It didn't work.

~I Still Hate Bandannas~Kaidoh Kaoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now