Placard Emotions

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     Bakugo frowns at the expression on (Y/N)'s face.  A blank stare, making no commentary on her surroundings.  She was looking at a wall but he doubted she was even seeing it.  It wasn't a face of hers he liked to see.
     The class comments in murmurs on Aizawa's explanation of what's happening.  They're in their hero costumes inside one of the arenas of the school, but it's near demolished.
     "No.  We will be making adjustments to your test scores considering the interjection of this training," Aizawa says as he answers a question Hagakure asked.  Bakugo hadn't been paying attention to it to recall her words now.  "In light of your poor test scores on the licensing exam as well as the recent attack on Endeavor in Hosu, we felt this training was more urgent."  Something in (Y/N)'s head seems to click as she blinks hard and whips her head to face her father.  Confusion narrowed her eyes as she took focus to yet another empty wall.
     "Why did we wait so long for this training?" Iida asks brazenly.  "Surely, this is a training we should've been receiving just after the test instead of a month later."  Aizawa sighs, barely nodding his head.  Bakugo wasn't even sure that was what he was doing but he'd seen (Y/N) do the same thing once or twice and that's what she meant when she did it.
     "We began arrangements shortly after, but so did many other schools.  The H.U.C. company was quite full.  Then, your teacher for today went missing and we had to postpone."  A hand swings over in front of (Y/N) but she still isn't paying attention.  She didn't flinch until her dad looked her way.  "(Y/N)."
     She blinks, her head pulling back slightly as she becomes aware of her posture.  She tilts her head at him and then turns to look at the class as she unwittingly had their attention.
     "Oh," she hums lightly before taking a step forward.  There seemed to be a doorway there, her shoulders squaring back and a smile breaking her face as she stepped into her usual persona.  "Rescue day.  Yes.  This is quite important, and I'll be instructing you throughout this unit."  Another round of whispers passes from person to person, this time accompanied by confused looks.

     13 H.U.C. members walked in and begin dispersing with a wave of her arm to urge them into the center.
     "Today's exercise is quite simple so please do not overthink it.  It is a logistics exercise.  You will not need weapons.  You will divide yourselves into 10 pairs of two and find a victim, one of the H.U.C. members.  Also, keep a watch out because they will have placards near them to tell of their age, as we can't have real babies," she says with a light laugh.  Bakugo could see the students shoulders slowly loosening at her words from his peripheral.  "You will need to aid them in every way possible.  Physically remove them from the situation, provide first aid, and mentally assure them, all in an efficient manner.  You are in pairs to keep each other in check.  You need to speak up if you believe what your partner is doing is not the best course of action.  You will not be punished for taking the time to learn."
     (Y/N) scans her eyes over the class.  Briefly, her (E/C) eyes locked into Bakugo's.  If he could see his own eyes, he wouldn't have been surprised to see the color drain from them as she drank in his red irises like they were the blood she sometimes craved.
     She denotes the pairs by who is closest to who, which naturally lends Bakugo to her, his feet planted just slightly in front of everyone elses, standing directly in front of her.  She smiles.

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