April 13, 16:48

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I remember the exact time because of a huge clock in the hallway where I was walking, heading for my lounge after the rehearsal. He came from the opposite direction, probably on his way to get some food before the show started. I've actually never asked him about this, but as well as I know him and due to the time of day I'm just assuming that now.


He smiled at me and Brian and said "Oh, hi!". Our eyes met for two seconds and then someone called on him from the front door and he was gone. We continued to our respective lounges and I remember saing "Omg Brian, I just think I got a little bit nervous" and he laughed at my school girl manners and gave me a friendly hug. "I don't think you can be nervous Stef. You're Lady fucking Gaga remember?"

He was right. I hadn't been nervous prior to a show for years. Maybe never to be honest. I was born to be on stage, it's my natural habitate to entertain. I'm always focused and a perfectionist when it comes to details, but never nervous. However, some occasions over the years has, for completely different reasons, kept me a bit more on my toes than others. Superbowl of course! The One America Appeal for example. And this night at the Parker Foundation event.

During the promo for ASIB, your dad and I were selling the story that he saw me perform for the first time on April 13, 2016. That we both were there by a coincidence and he was totally mesmerized by me. Well the last part is true, he definitely was mesmerized! And that was also my intention. But it wasn't a coincidence we both hosted the event. I had heard from several sources that Bradley Cooper wanted to do a fourth remake of the classic film "A Star is Born" but hadn't found his leading lady yet. So Bobby had me on the list of performers and yes, your dad was highly aware I was going to be on stage that night.

He had actually seen me sing live before, at the Oscars 2015 (and probably some more time that I can't recall now). We had also attended the same award shows and several "rich people meet other rich people to play" events. We had been guests at the same TV-shows and had a lot of common friends. But until that day we had never really said more than a polite hello to eachother.

I entered the stage at 20:30, with a mission to impress, affect and seduce. And I did. I was fucking brilliant. (Sorry for my language honey! However, I'm sure you're used to it by now...) I wasn't Lady Gaga, neither Stefanie or even Joanne. I was an undefined diva from the 20s who enchanted her audience. I began with "New York, New York" followed up with "You and I" and finished with "La vie en rose". The repertoire was carefully selected to attract your dad in different ways -first the New York connection to begin with, followed by one of my own songs with a suitable title and least but not last my favourite Piaf piece to touch his french heart. Yes I know, awfully deep-laid and not at all as romantic and by event as the official story, haha. But that's the truth and nothing but the truth. And the plan worked out perfectly!

On the way home I felt relieved and high in the way you only do after a good gig. I kicked of my high heels and pulled my legs up under me in the back seat of the limo and let out a content sigh, leaning back against the luxurous leather. Mark (yes unkle Mark) who had been DJ'ing on the event and was my date for the night, flattered my already confident ego and said "If Cooper doesn't call you after that show he's an idiot. You totally smashed it."

And he did. Or he got hold of Bobby. Not the day after (yes I know, that was also a small adjustment of the reality) but the day after that. Bobby set up a meeting at my place on April 17. I would be lying if I said that my self-esteem was as high as it had been four days earlier. In fact I cringed a bit over my earlier complacent confidence and when the door bell rang "miss never nervous" was a bit shaky to be honest. I'd intentionally chosen not to dress up to much and was wearing a pair of ripped jeans, a simple thin black sweater, golden rings in my ears and just a light make up. My hair was a bit messy and the haircut... frankly wasn't one of my best, lol. Ashley, who was my assistent back then, opened the door and I went downstairs with a pulse so high I was certain everyone in the room could hear my heart beat. I was actually a bit surprised by that, as if I hadn't realized until then how much this acting opportunity really meant to me. It meant everything.

"Hi" he said looking at me with the bluest eyes I had ever seen, perfectly matching his worn out blue sweatshirt that, to my surprise, also had a tiny hole on the shoulder. He actually looked like he just got out of bed and didn't even had time to comb his curly, hazelnut coloured hair that seemed to be living it's own life on top of his annoyingly perfect face.

"Thanks for inviting me with such short notice. This place is amazing!" He said that in a way no one else had said it before, like he just stated a fact without any values or jaundice that unfortunately occupied so many people who came to visit me for the first time. His eyes were sincere and kind and I instantly felt relaxed. "It really is" I replied. "I'm so grateful to be able to live here. I can show you around if you want to?"

He gladly accepted my guided tour and I felt an instant wave of gratitude and tenderness for this famous, handsom and successful actor, who came to visit me, the superstar, diva and for the general public known as that crazy meat dress girl. He couldn't care less about any of that and I instinctively liked him from the minute he entered my home.

I spend the next thirty minutes to show him the properties. Back in the house I asked if he was hungry, on which he replied with a grin "I'm kinda always hungry" and I brought those now famous leftovers to the patio (yes that was actually true!). We sat down and we talked about everything and nothing for so long that both of us almost forgot the reason he was there. I know it sounds like a cliche, but I felt like I'd found a piece of a puzzle I'd been searching for without even knowing it was gone. I finally felt home in my own home.

"What are you doing up?! And what are you doing up??"

She rapidly closed her laptop, as if she'd been surprised by doing something impermissible or at least a bit inappropriate. Bradley was standing in the doorway, beadheaded and dazed.

"I.... I couldn't sleep so I decided to take your words and write that letter to Lea."

He looked confused, as if his brain was still in bed not connected to the body standing in front of her.

"For her to read in 13 years from now or something like that. I've got plenty of time in other words, so I might just crawl back in bed for a couple of hours".

She yawned and stretched her arms up in the air.

"I just got to the part when you sat behind me on the piano bench and I had goosebumps all over -which I prayed you wouldn't notice -because of the intimacy and how good it felt having you so close. And I just realized I might leave some parts, like that for example, out of the story."

She glanced at him, looking mischievous and slightly apologetic at the same time.

"Well" He cleared his throat and moved over to drag her up from the couch, recapturing their conversation from the night before.

"I'm glad if you leave some essential parts out, I agree that's for everyone's best." he grinned, only to become serious the next second.

"Just don't skip the hard shit. If you're really doing it I mean. The last thing I want is my daughter to be a spoiled celebrity kid who loses touch with reality because she'll never have to deal with real stuff".

She raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Are you serious? That will never happen with you as her dad." Shooking her head to reinforce what she just said she continued. "But fine, I won't skip the hard shit. You might have to be my sidekick for some of it though."

He wrapped his arms around her, tenderly kissing the bridge of her nose as he replied.

"That's my task isn't it? Sidekick for life."

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