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     Annabelle Cosgrove's short lived rebellion all began with a fake ID, a stranger,and a busy parent. 

       Annabelle lost her mother at six months of birth. For nearly the whole of her fifteen years, she had dutifully obeyed her elders' directives.  Eng. Matthew Cosgrove , her father, gave directives, not orders. Annabelle followed the schedule her father made, ate the meals designed by her father's nutritionist and prepared by her father's cook. She had to wear clothes chosen by her father's personal shopper. Of course, they were wealthy.

          Eng. Matthew always had a co-operative look, as suited. He expected, no, directed Annabelle to do the same.

    Annabelle Cosgrove was a diligent reader, accepting and excelling in the academic areas outlined by her father. She was Wilhelmina pretty too.

                                                                 *     *     *     *

         Annabelle - never Ann, Anna or Belle - spoke fluent English,Spanish and rudimentary Chinese. She played the violin. She could name every part of the human body. She never had any friends , well, except her violin, books and her laptop.  She was fifteen and a product of her father's meticulous and very detailed agenda.  THAT WAS ABOUT TO CHANGE.

              After two semesters of college, Annabelle thought she had begun to develop a fashion sense. She'd already  bought a jean trouser, a hoodie and sneakers - which was much different from what she had always wore- well with cash of course, so the receipt won't show up on her credit card bill, just in case her father or their accountant found out or questioned the items, which were at the time hidden in her room. Smart move right?

       Whenever she wore them, she felt like a completely different person. So different that she even walked into a McDonald's and ordered her first large fries and large soda can.

                                    The seeds of rebellion had been planted that day.
     She watched her father get ready for a trip. His suits were always in dull colors because he believed that one shouldn't wear bright colored clothing. Annabelle always wondered how her father, while in dull clothing, always appeared bright if not handsome.

                           "Annabelle" called Matthew. His voice was as calm and smooth as still water. "It took a lot of effort to reschedule and have you admitted to the summer program this term. You'll complete the requirements for your admission into Harvard, a full semester ahead of schedule."

                                The thought had even made Annabelle's tummy hurt. "I was promised a four week's  break, including this next one in Havana." 

                           "Well sometimes promises must be broken"


          "You are definitely mature enough to understand that the demands of work and studies overtake leisure and pleasure."

                "Well then, if I am mature enough to understand that, why aren't I mature enough to make my own decisions? I need this break!"

             Matthew had barely spared his child a glance. "A girl your age hardly needs a break from her studies and activities. In addition, Mrs. Lynda has already left for her two-week cruise and I couldn't  have asked her to postpone her vacation. There's nobody to tend to you and the house."

            "I can fix my own meals and tend to the house" blasted Annabelle.

           "Annabelle! It's settled"

                                 "And I have no say in the issue? What about developing my independence and being responsible?"

  " Independence comes in degrees, so does freedom and responsibility. You still need guidance and direction." As he spoke, Matthew zipped the garment bag, then his small Pullman.

                            "You don't listen to anything I say! Ugh!" Annabelle yelled almost in a fit of rage...

Next chapter in a few...

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