Chapter 6: Insatiable

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Kuruk shifts under you in the chair, extracting himself without taking his hands off you. He kneels in front of you and pulls you by the hips to the edge of the chair. Your breathing is erratic and wild nerves wrack your body while waves of desire crash into you beyond your control.

Kuruk slowly trails his fingers up your thighs and pushes your dress up, exposing your skimpy underwear. You're glad you chose black tonight- you fit right in. He reaches up and gently pinches your chin, forcing your eyes to his. He's calm, but hungry, as he waits for your permission to move forward. You take a deep, shuttering breath, then nod. Kuruk lifts your dress up and you raise your hips for him to pull it above your head. He leans in close to you and puts his lips against yours with a firm pressure. Your shoulders relax as you melt into the kiss. He breaks it too quickly and lifts your dress above your head, forcing your arms up. When your line of vision is free from fabric, you see something that pours a bucket of fear over your aroused senses.

Ushar is stalking toward you with a determined expression. In his hand, he carries his weapon, a long war club. You feel exposed now that your dress is off, and you cower back into the chair. Kuruk sees your panic and turns to look at his brother.

"Patience," he spits out in a hard voice, "You're too eager!" he mumbles "fucking idiot" under his breath.

You take in the rest of Ushar as he halts his stride, still staring at you. You notice the large bulge in his pants, which works to douse your fear and replaces it with a confidence you didn't know you had. They want me. All of them. Desperately. You relax into the chair and look for the other knights. You make eye contact with Vicrul, and notice he's shirtless- muscles bulging, sitting on the sofa with his elbows on his knees, leaning toward you. At the same time, Kuruk brushes your nipples with his fingers and reaches into your bra to pinch one between two fingers. You moan and lean back without breaking eye contact with Vicrul. He smirks and his feet shuffle slightly.

You continue gazing around the room, skipping over Ushar and his terrifying weapon. Your eyes land on Ap'lek. He's less visibly aroused and leans back into the sofa opposite Vicrul. His gaze is glued onto Kuruk's hands as he unclasps the front of your bra to expose your breasts.

You feel vulnerable at the exposure, and Kuruk pauses quickly to throw this shirt over his head before hungry attacking your breasts with his mouth and hands. Kneading, pinching, licking, sucking, biting. Your head falls back, and you close your eyes, submitting to the pleasure of being stimulated and watched. One of Kuruk's hands slips down inside your underwear and brushes your clit with the tip of his finger. You twitch under his touch, mewling, desperate for more.

He leans toward your face, and brushing his lips against yours, he says in a low, thick voice, "The hilt of Ushar's club vibrates. Do you want it?"

He leans back to look in your eyes with a small smile on his lips. Without weighing the risks or even gauging the size and texture of the club, you respond in a quiet voice between pants. "Yes."

Kuruk crushes his lips to yours and rolls each of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Your arms reach around to grasp behind his shoulders, and for a moment, you forget that you're in a room full of men. You break the kiss, gasping for air. Kuruk gazes hungrily at you and leans down to hook his hands under the hem of your underwear. Maintaining your eye contact, he peels them off, exposing your wet sex to the cool air. He leans his face between your legs as he pulls your shoes off and rips your underwear off your feet. He looks intoxicated at the sight of you and moans loudly when his lips touch your dripping slit. Your eyes close and your fingers lace around the back of his neck. You yank him forward, into you.

"Hello! I'm waiting..." Vicrul's voice brings you back to reality and you remember you're sitting naked in front of four intimidating men. Kuruk leans back and your eyes open, examining the room. Vicrul now holds the club and it's alight with red electricity at one end. His breathing is elevated as he looks at your clit eagerly, sporting a large bulge. Your gaze falls on the hilt of the club in his hand. You can't tell if it is vibrating, but it emits a faint humming noise, and all along the hilt is studded with raised bumps.

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