Chapter 9: Can You Stay

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What the fuck is wrong with me?! Your encounter with the Supreme Leader shook you to your core. Thankfully, there are no more incidences on the flight back to the Finalizer. The Knights set up a small bundle for Deneb to sleep on and you doze in and out, leaning into Kuruk. The mission makes you second guess your taste in men. You're now fully aware of the dangers of entangling your life, and your son's life, with the Knights of Ren. But you can't deny the feeling of safety you feel around them, even when you're scared, you've not felt your life being threatened by them. The contrast between what they're supposed to be- what they're known for- and what they are to you could not be more straightforward.

All six of them have staked some sort of claim over you, whether you agree to it or not. Even the Supreme fucking Leader feels some sense of protection over you. What have I gotten myself into?! This is the most dangerous situation you've ever been in, but you've never felt more alive. You cannot see a happy ending for your story with Kuruk, but you can't help yourself. On the way back, you decide to take the situation day-by-day and try to keep your expectations low.

The Command Shuttle lands, and you scoop Deneb into your arms. Your datapad shows its late into the night. You're reluctant to return to your quarters. You glance at Kuruk often as he collects his gear and speaks quietly with his brothers. Eventually, you start ambling toward the ramp, but Vicrul blocks your path with a sly grin on his tired face.

"Would you like some company for the rest of the night?"

Kuruk comes from the side and pushes him out of your way.

"Don't be a dick. Just go with the others back to our quarters."

Vicrul shrugs, "Just thought I'd offer. Our Songbird needs to know that she has options." He never looks at you, but he may as well be begging for your attention.

"Shut the fuck up, Vicrul." You roll your eyes and push past him, hearing Kuruk's laughter as he places his hand firmly on your lower back.

You walk in uncomfortable silence back to your quarters. When you get to your door, you turn to Kuruk and look desperately into his narrowed eyes.

"Can you stay? Please..."

He nods once, and you enter your quarters.

"Oh, thank the Gods you're alright!" a blonde figure rushes at you and pulls you into a firm hug, Deneb between you.

"Mahri!" you try to keep your voice down. "Yeah, I had to go on a mission, the Command Shuttle had to leave and-"

"Yeah, I heard." She interrupts. "I also heard that the mission was to Kessel and The Knights went-" she glances at Kuruk. "-which usually means it's dangerous. I went after work to get Deneb assuming he'd be there. I can't believe you took him with you! You know I would have stayed with him. Are you okay? You look weird."

You finally get a word in when she pauses for breath. "It was dangerous. It was awful. Everything happened so fast that I couldn't even process it until it was too late. I didn't have time to think it through. Thank you for being here, Mahri. You must be exhausted too."

"I had to make sure you were coming back. I was scared. Anyway, I'm gonna go to my quarters and try to get a little sleep before work."

She hugs you, and you feel overwhelmed by her friendship- undeserving.

"Do you want to stay for a cup of tea? To be honest, I know if I try to close my eyes, I'll see things I don't want to." You try not to reveal too much, you're not ready to talk about what happened.

She looks at Kuruk again, who is standing relaxed, but his expression is blank.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. Here I'll lay Denny down and let you get the tea." She gently transfers Deneb into her arms and walks back to his bedroom.

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