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She was eleven years old when that beige envelope flew through her mail slot. She had known for years that it would eventually come, and she was elated when she finally saw it laying there atop of the rug that lined the long corridor.

Victoria Waldorf
Waldorf Mansion

Victoria Waldorf was daughter of Jasper and Sienna Waldorf. They were one of the most powerful wizarding families of their time. The Waldorf's were known personally by few, but feared by many. Jasper Waldorf, well no one knew exactly what it was he did, but he made sure his family was one of the wealthiest; Victoria never wanted for anything.

"My letter came," Victoria smiled as she walked into her family's over-sized kitchen clutching the paper tightly between her fingers. She looked up at her mother who smiled warmly down at her daughter.

"As you knew it would," her mother hummed, taking a sip of tea that she had just freshly prepared. "We'll have to visit Diagon Alley this weekend."

"Finally!" Victoria grinned as she skipped out of the kitchen and up to her bedroom. She couldn't wait to finally start at the school she had heard about her entire life. She wondered who she would meet, what house she would be sorted into, and what kind of trouble she would find herself in.

Both Jasper and Sienna had run into their own fair share of trouble over their time at Hogwarts. Victoria had heard many stories of her parents sneaking around together and she wondered if she too would find somebody to do those types of things with.


They woke up early the morning they were to travel to Diagon Alley for Victoria's school supplies. Victoria was most excited about finally being fit with a wand.

Sienna and Victoria entered Ollivander's and the young girl immediately took in the amount of boxes stacked high one on top of the other, each containing a wand that would one day find a home with a young which or wizard. Ollivander came gliding down the steps, his eyes wide as he took in the tiny brunette in front of him.

"I was waiting for the day you'd show up in my shop, Miss Waldorf," his eyes twinkled as he gave the girl a once over. He tapped the end of his chin with a wrinkled finger as he took in the many boxes in front of. Victoria smiled nervously at the older man. She knew people knew who her father was, she didn't realize the popularity extended to her as well.

"Let's try this one," the wizard said, sliding a box from its stack and carefully picking the wand up. He handed it to Victoria and she gave a small flick of her wrist. Sparks erupted from the tip of the wand landing on some dried up flowers which caught on fire. Victoria's eyes widened in fear as she quickly threw the wand back to Ollivander who carefully extinguished the fire.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, it happens to almost everyone," Sienna reassure her daughter, resting a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder.

"This one," Ollivander hummed, pulling a second wand out of a box. When Victoria's fingers touched the wand her body warmed, a glow emitted from the end of the wand casting a light around her. The wand had chosen her. "You must be more like your father," Ollivander smiled. "Dragon heartstrings tend to produce the most power. You will learn quickly with this one my dear."

Victoria smiled up at her mother as Ollivander wrapped the wand neatly in paper. She loved being told she was like her father. From the time she was born Victoria has Jasper wrapped around her tiny finger. She would follow him around whenever he was home and she always strived to be just as strong as him.


"Victoria, it's time to get up. You're leaving for Hogwarts today," Jasper Waldorf's voice was smooth and deep as he tried to wake his sleeping daughter. She hadn't fallen asleep until nearly four in the morning because she was filled with nerves and excitement. "Victoria," he whispered her name again, reaching out and gently shake his daughter, smiling when he saw her bright blue eyes open.

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