January 13, 2015

79 7 1

Everyone says we're here for something. Everyone something different.

Some spend there days trying to impress that one guy, while others spend it fangirling over the newest One Direction magazine *cough* Teresa *cough*. I'm not going to point fingers or anything, but you know who you are.

Let's get into something a little more "interesting" or what seems interesting to my Lunch & Learn class. So apparent if your boyfriend is rude you should stay with him?

Well, that's one girls thought. He is rude and mean. Truthfully no one likes him. He thinks he's all that and a bag of chips. (Yes, I said that deal with it) I have no idea why she even dates him. She's pretty and a cheerleader. Why would she want to date a douge bag? He knew she didn't like it and they don't seem to be the happiest people. This is the second time that he's complained or done something that's almost made her cry. I see no point in going on with a guy like that. (Reminder I have never had a boyfriend or even been asked out) The first was so stupid like it was his fingerprint not on in her new phone. Like what the heck? Why? 

So, he changed her twitter picture to a really ugly one of her in 7th grade. Then someone, a 'really nice' girl tweeted about it. All the girl kept saying was that she was her friend and no one could get over. Everyone else in my Lunch & Learn is in a relationship or has had a number of boyfriends.

everything from that was kinda boring. Same old history, geometry (HATE), health and French. Nothing to special about it.

Not much of anything interesting but I guess that's my life.

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