February 10, 2015

36 6 0

Today just wasn't my day.

First off it was like hell had froze over. It was like 70 degrees Sunday and today it was sleeting. How did that even happen? Earth is going though some hot flashes. And of course I had to wait for the bus outside. So I looked like Olaf when I got on the bus.

Second, I had to take a physical test in science. When in my life am I going to need to know what a Diorite rock looks like? Never. So we all finished and the teacher and some other teacher started looking though them and laughing. Just no. I knew I didn't so well and then they go and fucking laugh. Ummm, excuse me where the hell did you learn your manners? Clearly you need to re-fucking-learn them. And they kept talking about them as they looked through them. Like "oh, she did bad," "uh, they need some help." EX-C-USE ME. Shut the fuck up before I turn into fucking Niagara Falls. And I was seriously about to cry. The person next to me and the two other people did get a shit if I was about to cry or was planning how to kill myself.

Then, I had gymnastics which was pretty good.

So, me and my mom went to get my sister from her play practice. I did association cheering and their were suppose to be one case just for cheering. I mean we had the most anyway, but they crammed them all, basketball and all the others except football, into one case. One of the coaches got the case made for our cheer trophies and some stupid Chinese teacher, I'm guessing, put all the trophies into one and moved our to one case. Football it's self has two. Why can't cheerleading have one? No one knows. Some of them are even turned the wrong way so you can't read the year on them. Just, ugggghhhhhhhh. AND our biggest trophy isn't even in anyone the cases. It's in the fucking principals office! I just can't comprehend anymore. (The pics are above)

Ughhhhhhh, just a bad day in general.

Hope your guys day was better.

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