• two •

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As I'm heading out the door, I decide to take Louis up on his offer. What's the worst that could happen?

"Hey, John. Think you could do me a huge favor?" I ask into my phone as I grab my things off the counter.

"Sure, mate. What do you need?"

"Can you please contact Niall Horan for me? I'd like to talk about possibly doing a..um..a collaboration."

"You sure about that? You've never collabed with anyone before...."

"I know, just thought I'd give it a try. Who knows, maybe he'll help me finally write that track you've been waiting for."

John sighs before he answers. "I uh, I'll see what I can do. But for now, you've got to hurry your ass up. Meeting is in 15 minutes."

I chuckle before hanging up and making my way out the door.


"Alright, Styles. We need to figure out what you're wanting to name your album and then what the name of your tour is so we can start setting dates."

"I haven't thought of anything yet but-"

"Come on, man. I've given you plenty of time to think these things through.."

"I know, I know. I don't know what's gotten into me. I promise as soon as I come up with something I'll let you know."

John sighs frustratedly but nods his head in confirmation.

"So, John, I was thinking-"

"Hold that thought.." he says as he pulls his phone from his pocket and answers.

"John Lincoln, here. Who is this? Oh! Yes, of course! My client has been asking about you nonstop for the past couple of hours. Yes, I'm sure he'd love to meet up soon. Next month? The 14th at 10? Sounds good. Just text me the details and I'll let him know. Alright, man, thanks. Take care."

I look at him confusedly before he looks at me and smirks.

"Looks like you've got a date with Horan next month." With that, he picks up his belongings and walks out the door.


Once I get back to my apartment I grab my laptop and go to the livingroom. I open up a new tab and go to google.

I type in Niall Horan and multiple links come up, but curiosity gets the best of me and I click on the "images" link instead.


Louis wasn't joking. Niall is, well, gorgeous.

His cute button nose and mesmerizing cerulean eyes complement his head full of blonde hair and his blinding smile. The rosiness of his cheeks melts my heart and suddenly I can't seem to remember why I was nervous about meeting him in the first place.

I grab my phone and text Louis to tell him about the meeting. Might as well tell him now before he finds out from someone else.

To: Louis
"Guess who I'm seeing next month x"

From: Louis
"If it's me, you really should've asked first. ;)"

To: Louis
"No, It's not you. I don't want to see your face all the time mate. It gets boring."

From: Louis
"And here I was thinking that you loved me! I am slightly offended, Styles. Anywho, it better not be that guy you met at the bar last week. He was a right arse.."

To: Louis
"No, it's not him either. It's Niall. Thought I'd take your advice for once and give it a go."

From: Louis
"YES! See, I have good ideas. Just make sure you don't let him in your pants. It is only the first date after all. x"

I roll my eyes and laugh before throwing my phone on the couch and laying down to catch up on some much needed sleep.


Hiiiii ok so this chapter is terrible. I know. I'm sorry ugh. I'll probably add more onto it later this week so that it isn't as short. I know it kind of transitions weirdly, but please bear with me. It'll start to sound better the more it develops. :)

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