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Weeks pass and the closer it gets to my meeting with Niall, the more nervous I get. But why? Why am I nervous? There's clearly nothing to be nervous about.

I've heard nothing but good things about the lad, so clearly I have nothing to worry about. Although, there's always the slim possibility that he won't like my writing ideas. Or even worse...he may not like me. I'm a likeable guy though, right? I mean...I haven't done anything to anyone to NOT be likeable.

Maybe I'm overthinking things?

That's got to be it. It's the only explanation.

More days pass and it arrives all too quickly. It's today. The meeting. What am I going to wear? Where do I even meet him at? John has told me nothing about the specifics yet. Am I supposed to wait for him to tell me or do I need to ask? Do I bring paper and a pencil? Do I need to eat first or wait?

Before any more questions consume my mind, my phone starts ringing.

I get it out of my pocket and see that it's John.

"Hey, H. You ready for today?"
"Uh, I guess so. Where am I even meeting him at? You never told me."
"Right. My bad. You're supposed to be meeting him at Petite Boulangerie* in an hour so you better be ready when I get there."

I roll my eyes at his comment. As if I'm ever NOT ready when he picks me up.

"I'm ready mate. Just waiting on you to get your arse here.." I say jokingly.
"Watch it, kid. I'll end you." He jokes back.

He lets me know that he'll be at my place in 10 and then hangs up without another word.

I decide to play it safe and grab a notebook and a couple pencils in case Niall decides to get right to business after we meet.

John arrives soon after and we both head to Petite Boulangerie*. It's a rather expensive bakery so I've not a clue why he picked there out of all places.

Once we arrive, he basically shoves me out of his car and tells me to let him know when our little meeting is finished. I oblige and make my way into the bakery.

Things with Niall could go one of two ways: either he meets me and decides he doesn't like me and leaves me there to incredulously watch after him or we get on really well and we write hit after hit. Hopefully it's the latter.

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Once inside the bakery, I find a seat beside the quaint little fireplace they have inside. It's cozy and secluded, but not too far from the door in case things take a turn for the worst.

I message John and ask him to let Niall know where I am.

As I'm sitting there waiting, my heart starts pounding out of my chest. Each time I hear the bell of the main door chime, I think it's Niall. I decide to start doodling to settle my nerves while I anxiously wait.

I must've drifted off into my own world because a voice startles me out of my trance.

"Nice drawings you got there, mate. Yer harry I'm assumin'?" The blonde lad asks as I look up at him.

"I am. And you must be Niall?" I say as I hold my hand out.

He smiles at me and shakes my hand. "Sure am!"

He sits down in the chair across from me and stares at me, smile never leaving his face.

I stare back and take in all of his features. Although he looks good in pictures, he certainly looks even better in person. His smile is to die for and his beautiful cerulean eyes make me feel like I'm drowning in contentment. His blonde hair is up in a fohawk and his attire is far from what I expected.

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