A Hero in Need of Help

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"Station 51, 10-4" Capt. Stanley responded.

For the first time they pulled out of the station without knowledge of Johnny's whereabouts.

Roy was driving the squad alone. That was one of the strangest things that Roy ever felt. Even though Roy drove the squad alone before, this was totally different. He didn't know where Johnny was. When Squad 51 responds Johnny and Roy were always together, but not this time. The fact was the squad was empty.

Truly, the hardest thing was he had to fight a wildfire without worrying about Johnny. How could that even be possible? Johnny was and will always be his best friend and partner. He knew he would have to face the facts. Worrying won't help a thing. Roy guessed he would just have to withstand it.


"Fire Department!"

The smoke was so thick; he could barely see five feet in front of him. Johnny had to feel his way around. He didn't recognize anything. He kept coughing through the smoke. He felt like he was going pass out, but he forced himself to keep moving. He wasn't gonna quit; he couldn't.

Johnny felt like this was a nightmare, but he knew it wasn't. He could feel the heat of the fire surrounding him. He could the smell of burning insulation.

"Are you... going to... help us?" the girl coughed out, "Please... help!"

Johnny opened the door and confirmed, "I'm right here! cough... I'm coming!"

"My brother is already.. cough.. cough... passed out."

"What about your parents? Are they here?" Johnny asked.

"No, cough... we're home alone. Now, I... really... feel like... I'm going to... pass... out."

"I know... me too."

Just then there was a thump. He knew he had to hurry. He had to do everything he could for these kids, but he had no adrenaline left in him. He started to drag the two kids toward the last available clearing in the smoke. He felt himself start to fade... and drop to the floor.


Jim Reed watched the television screen in the break room as he drank coffee. He watched firefighters fight the wildfire. Somehow a wildfire started and it spread to the edge of the city. He felt sorry for the people trapped inside. At least it was better than worrying where Pete was. Then it hit him.

"The fire! That's it! It spread to his area now. Why didn't I think about it before?" he announced.

He quickly exited the room to inform MacDonald.

"Now, that we know where Pete is, don't you think we can help him somehow?"

"Jim, I know how you feel, but let's face it- we're not firefighters. How could we help him? All we can do is hope and pray. Besides we know help is on the way, if not already there."

"I know you're right, Mac. I feel like I have to do something. I mean I just can't sit around and worry about Pete all day."

"Desk job?"

"Okay, thanks Mac."

Of course working would help get his mind off it partially. He knew it would make him feel better. The worst part of it all, he had no idea where his partner, his best friend was. In a way he didn't want to know because he wasn't sure of anything at the moment. Like Mac said, 'All we can do is hope and pray.' So that was exactly what he was gonna do... no matter what.

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