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An: They do the sex in this chapter. Consider yourself warned.

"If saying goodbye to a kid that isn't even mine is that hard I don't even want to think about what it's going to be like when I have to leave you and the little one." Calum said as the pair stepped through their front door, his car keys clanging against the counter as he sat them down.

They had just returned from the center after dropping Chloe off from the gym. She and Calum had shared a tear filled goodbye, she really did adore him, and their waterworks had jump started Holland's. Stupid pregnancy hormones.

"I can't believe I have to leave in just a few hours." He continued, dropping next to Holland on the sofa of their living room.

"Yeah, but you're all packed up and the airport's not far so we can just enjoy the time we have left."

"Yeah. Are you gonna try and make it out to a few shows?"

"I'll try, but it's going to depend on the girls and how they're doing. I had to cut a few of my elites and now my top four is constantly changing which is good to discourage complacency but it's a lot to manage and I don't know what will come up. We have two weekends without competitions that are plausible but it also depends on the little one."

"That's not sounding like a yes." He said, his bottom lip turned down in a pout.

"It's a 'I'll try my best.'" She promised, tilting her head to lean against him.

He situated them so that his arm was around her shoulder, her body cuddled against his side and her head rested just above his heart. He leaned forward just barely, just enough to kiss the top of her head.

The TV played and they watched , eyes staring blankly ahead as their thoughts drifted off to the months that lay ahead. Eight weeks was a short tour really, just two months and Calum would have Holland back in his arms but the time stretched between them felt like ages and as he held her he wished he didn't have to let her go so soon.

"C'mon." He whispered after they had sat in silence for a while.

"To where?" She asked, allowing him to take her hands and pull her up to a standing position.

He was quiet, avoiding the answer to her question and instead just pulling her along until they reached their bedroom. He stopped in front of the door, smirking at her before turning the knob and holding it open for her as she stepped inside. She shot him a confused look before noting the flowers on the bed along with a gift bag.

"Ooh! A present!" She said excitedly moving to grab it from her pillow.

"Put what's inside on, I'll be back in a minute."

She shot him another perplexed look but he only gave a boyish grin and bounced his eyebrows quickly before disappearing down the hall.

Holland started after him for a moment before reaching into the bag and pulling out something that had been delicately wrapped in tissue paper.

A note fell from the wrapping before she could open it fully and she smiled at the sight of Calum's handwriting.

I know you've been struggling to feel beautiful here lately. Tonight, let me show you exactly how beautiful you are. Get dressed in this.
I love you,

Holland's curiosity was piqued and she dug through the wrapping until she had uncovered the red silk set.

She could feel the butterflies in her stomach as she stood, slipping off her gym clothes and into the lingerie before arranging herself on the bed amongst the rose petals.

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