Chapter 6: Will our relationship work after all?

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Raina's pov:
It's Thursday, Reece and I are going on our second date today. I was really hesitant to be his girlfriend for reasons I'm slowly starting to get used to. I thought that I'll never get used to all the attention that I've been getting from his fans but I'm nearly used to it; most of them are really sweet to me, but some of them are awful to me. I'm learning to ignore the haters though.

I get out of bed and do my morning routine. I then get myself some cereal for breakfast. After I'm done eating I put my bowl and spoon in the kitchen sink and go to my room so that I could get ready. I change into the clothes I picked out for today last night; I chose to wear jeans, a tee, sneakers and some accessories like a bag and a necklace and earrings. Reece told me to dress casually so that's why I'm dressing casually. After about an hour later I'm finally ready.

I decide to text Reece to let him know I'm ready. Raina: Hey Reece, I'm ready to go, let me know where to meet you.
Reece: I'll come over to yours to in 5 minutes and we'll go from there.
Raina: Sure, you on your way is that why you said 5 minutes?
Reece: Yeah, I'm in a taxi on my way to your house.
Raina: Okay, see you in 5 minutes.
Reece: see you.

Five minutes later Reece reaches my home and I let him in. "So, where are we going?" I ask him. "You'll find out soon enough" he replies to me. "Why can't you just tell me babe?" I question him, the nickname just slipped off my tongue so easily; I wasn't expecting that. "It's a surprise baby" he answers me he too using a nickname for me. "So, we're officially on nickname basis now?" I ask him. "I guess so" he replies to me.

He then calls us a taxi to take us to his mystery location. The journey passes by with the two of us talking about something random. The taxi then makes a stop. "Have we reached?" I ask him whilst looking out of the window. "Yeah we have" he replies to me. He pays the driver and the two of us exit the taxi. "There's not many people around here" I tell him. "Yeah, I specifically chose this place so we could have some privacy" he replies to me. "Come on, I want to show you something" he adds to his reply. "Sure" I reply back to him.

He leads me to a hillside. "You used to climbing?" He asks me. "Not really to be honest" I reply to him. "Okay, you go first so if you lose your balance I'll be able to catch you" he replies to me. "Sure" I agree with him. I then start to slowly climb the hill. Reece follows after me. After around 15 minutes I finally reach the top and a minute after I do he does too.

I take a seat on the grass with my legs dangling from the edge. Reece sits near me. "I can't believe I didn't fall at all while climbing up" I tell him. "Aww I'm proud of you" he replies to me. "I hope I don't lose my balance climbing down" I reply back. "I doubt you will even though there's a greater risk of falling while climbing down" he responds to me. "Don't say that you'll scare me" I respond back. "I won't let you fall baby" he replies to me. "But you already let me fall for you babe" I joke in reply back. He laughs. "I could say the same to you baby" he responds as he holds my chin to his face and plants a sweet kiss on my lips; I kiss him back. "This feels nice" I tell him breaking the kiss. "Yeah it does" he replies to me.

"You need to see this" Reece tells me. "What is it?" I ask him. "It's a surprise" he replies to me. "Why does everything have to be a surprise?" I question him pouting. "Because I like the look of awe on your face when you finally see it" he answers me. "Okay" I reply to him. "Let's go" he replies back to me. We carefully climb down the hill and he leads the way and I follow after him.

We then reach a bridge with a river under it. There's swans in the river. "It's beautiful" I tell him taking in the scenery around me. "Like you" he replies to me. "And you" I reply back to him. "I packed a picnic for us" he tells me. "You did?" I ask him. He nods in reply to me. "My family helped me" he adds to his nodding. "Do you think they like me?" I ask him. "Yes, they're excited to meet you someday" he replies to me. "My friends and family are excited to meet you someday too" I reply back to him. "Yep my friends are also excited to meet you" he responds to me. "I'm getting hungry, shall we eat now" I tell him changing the topic. "Of course" he replies taking out the food he packed. "I also brought some food we can feed the swans with" he tells me. "Aww, that's lovely" I reply him. We finish eating the food he packed for us. Then we start throwing some food for the swans.

After some time we decide to leave. "Today was perfect" I tell him. "I agree" he replies to me. "Can I pick the next date's location?" I ask him. "Of course you can baby" he replies to me. "I won't tell you anything about it other than the day and time" I tell him. "Fine by me" he replies to me. He then calls us a taxi to take us to our seperate homes.

When the taxi arrives we both get in. We have a random conversation during the journey. We reach my house first. He kisses me again and I kiss him back. "I'll see you next time" he tells me breaking our kiss. "You too" I reply whilst getting out of the taxi. I then walk up to my house and unlock the door then I get inside and lock it again then after that I head to my room.

I call my friends over. After a few minutes they arrive. We then have a conversation about the date I just went on. After that we have a discussion to plan the next one I go on with him. Then it becomes late so my friends go home.

I do my night-time routine and then go to bed. I can't believe that Reece and I went on two perfect dates. I can't wait for the next one too. It looks like the both of us do make a great couple. I never thought we could pull this type of a relationship off; but we both pulled through perfectly. I guess sometimes friends really do make the best lovers.

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