Part 22

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"I would have a vanilla ice, please," Justin said, trying to hide his identity from the guy in front of the plaid counter.

 "And for this pretty little lady right here," He said looking at me, wait scratch that, looking at my body. I was still in my swim wear and so was Justin.

 "I'll have a," I begin was reaching over the desk to point at this ice cream that looked mouth watering, "Strawberry milkshake, please," I said with the nicest look I can put for this pervert. He was like 20 years old, kinda cute but not like Justin. Wait did I just say that?

 "Okay, beautiful," He smirked. While signaling to his guy friends on what we wanted. "You guys look like a cute couple, ay"

 I blushed, while Justin said or should I say, stammered, "Wel.l," He looked pretty disappointed again.

 "Oh that's a tragedy," The man put on a really fake sad face, ugh I can't stand him.


We finally got our ice creams, and now we were sitting by the pool dangling our feet in the water. "Man, that guy was a freakin' pervert!" I exclaimed, while laughing.

Justin stifled a laugh while he was eating his ice cream, "Aha yeah when you were reaching over the counter, he kept on staring at your boobs," I blushed crimson red, hearing that from Justin was kinda weirdo, well for me aha.

 "Wow! Really? I feel violated now," I burst out laughing.

"Yeah, I was about to say back off dude," He said blushing.

 "I'm done," I threw the napkin in the trash and ran to the pool and did my famous belly flop.I came up out of the water and see Justin with his mouth opened wide. \

"You are something else," He said in a serious tone, holding back his laugh.

 "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I questioned, with questioning look on my face.

 "You will never know," He said while smirking


"I call dibs on shower!"I screamed while running towards the bathroom.

 "Fine," He shook his long sexy brown hair.

 I ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and I started to undress myself slowly. I turned on the shower to the warmest temperature I would feel comfortable in. I stepped into the steamy shower and I felt the warm water trickle down my back, it felt soo relaxing. My muscles that were tensed loosened up. I did the shampoo, rinse, conditioner, body wash, and rinse. Then I finished.

 I turned off the nozzle and stepped out the shower and I looked around and there was no towels! Oh my gosh, this is embarrassing, "JUSTIN!" I screamed out, he better still be inside the room.


"Uhmm can you give me a towel, I forgot to get one," I blushed.

I heard him mumble something and I heard shuffling outside the door the he knocked, "Here,"

 I only put out my arm making sure he won't see ANYTHING. "Thanks,"

"Whatever you nasty chick," I heard him chuckle from outside the door, "Hurry up I'm waiting."

 I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped out of the bathroom, revealing me to a shirtless Justin with a towel over his shoulder.

 He smirked, "Like what you see," I came out of my shock, I guess I was staring.

 "Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart." I gave him that cheeky smile.

 "What ever," He mumbled. He stepped into the bathroom and I heard him turn on the shower.



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