⚔️🦸 Superhero ✌️🛡️

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Raika I hope you enjoyed the other previous songs 💖

Here another ONE ✌️

Superhero ~ Simon Curtis

The lyrics don't literally mean that you can be a super hero, it is just saying that you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it. The line "I know how to change my destiny" means that you don't have to do what everyone else does and you have the power to say how your future is going to be.

Also the line "you don't need them to believe in you" means that you can be yourself and always believe in yourself no matter what other people think. Through the whole song saying that you can be yourself and you can change your future, the way you are, and who you are. Here also saying that you can be a "superhero" and change everything and you can be the one who changes the world.

Hope you like 😁

"You DON'T Need Them To Believe In You

Get Your Mission On Lock And SEE IT Through

You've Got ALL The Power You Need In YOU

Power YOU Need In You, Power You NEED In You


We Can Change The Whole WORLD, Gonna Take IT Over

Gonna START It Over, DON'T You Know What We Could BE

A New Beginning, Fighting 'Til We're WINNING

Tell ME That YOU'RE In IT, DON'T You Wanna Be


A SUPERHERO, A Superhero, A Superhero

Don't YOU Wanna Be

A Superhero, A SUPERHERO, A Superhero

Anybody Could BE

A HERO...."

Don't you wanna be? A SUPERHERO Anybody could be .....A HERO🦸✊

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